Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I join the ladies of Sport Union-Beckenried for their annual Winter-Evening-FunTrip at Klewenalp. We're ~35 women: from young teenage girls to silver-haired graceful women - the wrinkles on their faces reflecting the seasons gone by. Mamut, Jack Wolfskin, NorthFace, MountainHardwear and Marmot Jackets, Caps, Scarves and Gloves of all colors can be seen. The camaraderie that the women share reflects in the good humoured banter and laughter. It doesn't matter to me that i don't understand the Swiss-German chatter around me and that there are just a couple of familiar faces around. The team spirit is infectious. Such a wonderful idea to get women of all age groups under one roof.

As the Gondola starts it's upward journey at 7:15PM (the Swiss are extremely punctual), one of the two organisers of the evening) distributes a small card to each one of us. I have a picture of a "Snowball in Gloves" and now need to find my five other team-mates. We will be playing 3 different games. I hold up my card & soon find my mates.. One of them is C - who's operating the Gondola today (since it's a ladies only trip). I introduce myself in Deutsch & tell them that i can only speak Hoch-Deutsch and very little (ein bisschen) Swiss-Deutsch. Soon I'm trying to remember all the names.. there's a couple of Anna-Maries, two Lucias, Edith, a couple of Marlenes, Martina, Wendy, Heidi, Irm.. I'm hoping there won't be a test later on.

I can see the dawn of a colourful Sunrise in the Sky, but the temperature outside is about -3C. A voice inside says "Go on". I pick up my cell & step outside into the Cold Cold balcony. The Sky to my right has turned into a palette of radiant colors. Bright streaks of pink, orange and amber slowly overcome the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembles a prism; all colors blending perfectly into each other. 

My eye follows the colors in the Sky and I slowly turn left.. The (almost) Full Moon is setting over the Crest of Pilatus.. The Sky on that side is soft.. like singing a lullaby for the Moon about to go to Bed...

And i wonder.. somewhere on this Planet, there are people enjoying a Sunset and getting ready to call it a day.

Sunrise, Sunset.. Like two faces of the same coin.. Yet so beautiful...

Who said "Maya" wasn't captivating??

Read more: Nature's Poetry: Sunrise meets Moonset Read more: Nature's Poetry: Sunrise meets Moonset


As we park at the Gondola Station in Emmetten, I'm delighted to find the Moon already lighting up the sky and the slopes around. Within a few minutes, the Gondola transports us from ~800meters to Niederbauen Restaurant @ 1560mts - where a Fondue dinner awaits us. Yummy.. what a delectable way to embark on an adventure!!!

Read more: Moonstruck: Snowshoeing under Full Moon - Jan 23

Read more: Moonstruck: Snowshoeing under Full Moon - Jan 23

Read more: Moonstruck: Snowshoeing under Full Moon - Jan 23


On a cold wintry morning, I find myself on the Yoga mat. Perhaps I'm too lazy to don the extra layers and brave the cold & windy conditions outside or just because...

Read more: The Incredulous Yoga AudienceThe cats scamper to the topmost hammock of their tree and eye me dubiously.. "Is she possessed by a monkey-spirit?" They follow the movements of the limbs, worried that they may come flying at any moment and hurt them.

After a few minutes, Nellie bravely comes down and sits on the carpet next to the mat & starts meowing her special meows when she wants to be petted. I'm now faced with the conflict: "Should I be in the Now & pet her or continue with Yoga?" Needless to say she wins easily as always! My willpower wanes in front of her cuteness.