Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I can see the dawn of a colourful Sunrise in the Sky, but the temperature outside is about -3C. A voice inside says "Go on". I pick up my cell & step outside into the Cold Cold balcony. The Sky to my right has turned into a palette of radiant colors. Bright streaks of pink, orange and amber slowly overcome the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembles a prism; all colors blending perfectly into each other. 

My eye follows the colors in the Sky and I slowly turn left.. The (almost) Full Moon is setting over the Crest of Pilatus.. The Sky on that side is soft.. like singing a lullaby for the Moon about to go to Bed...

And i wonder.. somewhere on this Planet, there are people enjoying a Sunset and getting ready to call it a day.

Sunrise, Sunset.. Like two faces of the same coin.. Yet so beautiful...

Who said "Maya" wasn't captivating??

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