Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I wake up all excited.. Today, I get to venture out in Snowshoes with my friend Claudia. She has invited me for a Snowshoe hike in Brennwald with her pack (Cara & Russell). Since I don't own a pair of Snowshoes yet, Armand graciously lends me his. We try on the shoes in the warmth of the home & then head out. The drive to Emmetten is idyllic.. Lake Lucerne on one side; Frozen waterfalls & snow covered Pine/Fir/Birch trees on the other.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_01_IMG_2030.JPGThe start of the trail has a complete different feel -- the smells & sounds of the forest are replaced by the tranquility that Snow brings. We strap on our snowshoes and set off.

Cara is excited to be in the snow.. she's barking & scampering around gleefully, while Russell has the look of "You knew I'd have been happier at home!" He toes the line behind Claudia, never giving up hope that his sad face will fetch him a ride in her backpack.

Claudia gives me a few tips & I take my first few steps... It's fairly simple on flat, rolling ground.. I just have to take wider & longer strides.. the wider takes a little getting used to, but soon I'm enjoying it...

I walk, stride, shuffle, plod, waddle, and sometimes even bound. When the snow is fresh, fluffy, and not too deep, I definitely float.

Breaking trail through fresh powder, the snow whispers soft, whuff, whuff, whuff while hardened snow on trails gets crunched under. And when I stop, I hear the sound of my breath -- which is faster than i expected. I'm sweating.. and need to remove some layers. Boy this Snowshoeing is burning some calories fast!! We stop at the hut to take off the extra layers.





Soon we arrive at a Y-junction. This is a good time to break-off the snow clinging to Cara's fur. Claudia makes a smiley face in the snow.. smile I take the opportunity to free my hands from my bulky gloves and take a couple of pictures..





On the way back, we stop at the hut. It's always a good time to enjoy Hot chocolate, Tea and Chats with a special friend.. but the Snow makes it ummm mhmmmmm hmmmm somehow even more delicious!! Time flies when you're in good company and soon we realise that despite the hot Tea, we're both freezing. It's quite an interesting task to strap on the snow shoes with frozen fingers.. 

I hear the punch of my poles into the snow and the sounds of winter woods: the rattle of leaves still clinging to birch trees, the occasional cries of birds, the squeaks, creaks and groans of older trees. Soon we're back to the start of the trail. As Claudia drives back through the thick fog, I realize that snowshoeing has helped me experience the sounds, smells and allure that the winter forest has to offer. It's good for Body, Mind and Soul..

THANK YOU Claudia and Pack (Cara & Russell) for yet another memorable first :)