Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...



Everyone is happy to have a leisurely morning after the hectic day yesterday.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0152.JPGVikram accompanies Lukas to drop the drinks at the ships station. The rest of us are happy to gossip, watch Viikram's portfolio, munch on snacks. I'm amazed at our stomach's capacity to expand!tongue-out 

Ruth offers to cook her mouth watering salads for lunch.

Lisa, Aishna, Ruth & I hurry to "Denner" the local grocery store after we hear that it closes from Noon-2PM everyday for Lunch. How cool is that.. perhaps i can get a job at this grocery store & still enjoy my siestas!!

While Ruth works on her creations, the rest of us head to Lukas's workshop where he gets to show his workmanship to a captive audience.

Ruth has the most amazing spread of five different salads waiting for us.. Everyone attacks with gusto. Aishna remarks that she's ready to become a vegetarian if she can find such delish salads in India.

We laze around for the rest of the afternoon, yet surprisingly, come evening, we seem to be able to head out for dinner yet again. Doing nothings seems to be the best way to work up an appetite.

We converge on Hotel Alpina where we're surprised to find that their Afghani Chef with his Nepali wife are offering Nepali dishes this month. It turns out that the Chef grew up in Mumbai. In typical Indian style he starts off by feigning anger that he wasn't invited to the wedding. In the same breath he also adopts me and invites us back to his restaurant "maayeka" after the wedding. I'm touched to the core..

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_FullSizeRender-3.jpgAishna yet again gets a Gelato to supposedly share with Anna, but....

Cant really blame her.. Who wouldn't!!!!!