Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

As we park at the Gondola Station in Emmetten, I'm delighted to find the Moon already lighting up the sky and the slopes around. Within a few minutes, the Gondola transports us from ~800meters to Niederbauen Restaurant @ 1560mts - where a Fondue dinner awaits us. Yummy.. what a delectable way to embark on an adventure!!!





After a hearty dinner and a full belly, we strap on our layers and snowshoes. Moonlight reflecting off the white snow blanketed peaks, stars twinkling overhead, the large expanse of the lake dotted by lights of the villages below and Cara joyfully scampering around in the snow -- Sets the Scene for our SnowShoe Hike..



7.4Km of snowy slopes illuminated by a Full Moon, Twinkling Stars Above, Sparkling snow-diamonds all around, Breathtaking Scenery, Sounds of --Gurgling streams; --snow falling from trees; --soft whispers of fresh snow under the snowshoes and --crunches of hard snow getting crushed under, Shortness of Breath when confronted by 34% gradient slope, falling into Snow, Breathing the magical landscape into the Soul, 3hours and 15 mins of Bone-rattling Adventure & FairyTale Charm.



We arrive back at Emmetten just as the Church Bell announces Midnight and brings with it biting cold wind & snow. As we bid goodbye to Claudia & Armand and climb into the car, I'm filled with Gratitude for having been a part of the Mystical, Tranquil Forest illuminated in the silvery-white moonlight..

But for now I'm ready to put my Feet up and just Chill..