Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I wake up all excited.. Today, I get to venture out in Snowshoes with my friend Claudia. She has invited me for a Snowshoe hike in Brennwald with her pack (Cara & Russell). Since I don't own a pair of Snowshoes yet, Armand graciously lends me his. We try on the shoes in the warmth of the home & then head out. The drive to Emmetten is idyllic.. Lake Lucerne on one side; Frozen waterfalls & snow covered Pine/Fir/Birch trees on the other.

Read more: Floating on Snow: The Joys of a First Snowshoe experience: Jan 20The start of the trail has a complete different feel -- the smells & sounds of the forest are replaced by the tranquility that Snow brings. We strap on our snowshoes and set off.

Cara is excited to be in the snow.. she's barking & scampering around gleefully, while Russell has the look of "You knew I'd have been happier at home!" He toes the line behind Claudia, never giving up hope that his sad face will fetch him a ride in her backpack.

Claudia gives me a few tips & I take my first few steps... It's fairly simple on flat, rolling ground.. I just have to take wider & longer strides.. the wider takes a little getting used to, but soon I'm enjoying it...

I walk, stride, shuffle, plod, waddle, and sometimes even bound. When the snow is fresh, fluffy, and not too deep, I definitely float.

Of the many Joys that Winter brings (including hibernation wink), one of my favourite is enjoying the art pieces strewn along the landscapes wherever I look.  

It's in Winters that the Trees stand Bare, divesting themselves of their robes, for us over-dressed humans to admire the artwork hidden beneath.

Each Tree and Branch offering a screen, a window to view the landscape beyond or to contemplate on the Tree of Life connecting all forms of Creation.

On a cold yet Sunny afternoon (Nachmittag) at the end of a walk, we find ourselves at the doorstep of Thomas Nann: a local teacher & hobby farmer. Thomas is nowhere in sight.. a few minutes later we're greeted by his wife and dog. She explains that Thomas is out pruning his Apple/Pear trees. His Chickens & Geese are all cozied up inside the barn and there's no chance for me to take any pictures.

Shaking our hands, Thomas explains that a farmer's job does not end with the drop in temperature. There's pruning, regular maintenance, animals to take care of & not to miss the Juicing work: Grappas/Schnapps, Wine & local Apple juice cooltongue-out

Read more: A Visit to a Hobby Farm: Dec 30, 2015Thomas is a retired high-school teacher turned hobby farmer who cares for both his land and the animals. He uses ecological growing practices (not to miss the solar panels) and allows for natural smaller yields in alternate years.

He takes us on a tour of his farm or what little is left in the winter. I'm surprised to find Kale, Fennel, Spring-Onions, Broccoli, Garlic & herbs still managing to withstand the freezing temps. This part of Beckenried (behind the Kirche) hardly gets any Sun in Winters.


We're having yet another Foggy & Grey Winter day. But by now, I've learned about the Nebelmeer phenomena and wonder if its Sunny above the fog. We're wondering where we could go and catch some Sun. The cell rings and it's Armand inviting us to join them for a walk in the sunny side of Brennwald from Seelisberg.. But Ofcourse!!!!

Read more: Chasing the Sun: Dec 27, 2015We drive to Seelisbergsee - a romantic lake nestled in the idyllic mountain meadows of Seelisberg. The green meadows dusted with snow and cobweb shaped icy patches on the lake offer a calm moment. I breathe in the crisp mountain air & the stillness.  

But where is the Sun?? The elusive Sun that drove us here? "Soon..." we're told. "We need to gain some altitude to catch the Sun". Thus begins our quest for basking in the Sunlight.... along a hiking trail that's only leading up.

It's already 2:30 and after being on the trail for about half an hour, I'm losing all hope of catching the Sun. After all the Sun sets by 4PM and we seem to be nowhere close to catching the slanting rays of the Sun as it goes down the horizon.