Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Gnocchi and Pan de Queso, Comfort foods from Italy to Brazil: June 3rdFive Hungry Girls, a Garden full of fresh Herbs, Potatoes: Both Sweet & Regular, Tapioca Flour, Spinach, Cheese, Wine .. a rainy Friday evening... Just the right ingredients to start craving for comfort food..  

With Two Brazilians, Two Swiss & One Indian, we have a variety to choose from. Samosas, Pakoras & Chai would be perfect -- but we're missing some basic ingredients here. Finally we settle on Gnocchi, Pan de Queso and Indian Dessert..

Gnocchi: These little potato dumplings are an essential part of the gift from the heavens that is Italian food. I've only had Gnocchi in Restaurants, so when Silvana offers to teach us how to roll our Gnocchi from scratch, i'm all in.. armed with all four limbs! 

I soon realise, the reality of making gnocchi requires a kind of intuition to be developed. This is the kind of cooking that relies more on senses than on scales and measures. One needs to pay attention to the way things smell, look and feel.

Just the way I like to Cook. No wonder I've never quite warmed up to Baking.. too much precision & measurement.

The cloudy skies bring out the lazybum inside me. Too lazy to even have Breakfast this morning. And then a voice inside says "Get Up, Stand Up, Be on your Way!". I decide to step out for a short 30 min walk perhaps along the lake, to energize myself. However once outside, my feet, which seem to have a mind of their own today, start walking me up towards the mountains, with every step, leaving the Lake farther and farther behind..

Read more: When the Singing Meadows beckon.. May 31stI tell myself, perhaps it's the Alpacas, they must be thinking of me. That would be a good spot to turn back. But No, as i wave to the Alpacas & they nod their heads, my feet continue the upward climb. Perhaps Sassi is their destination today i say to myself. But just before i reach Sassi, my feet turn left.

Ahhh.. now i know, it must be the call of the waterfall.. I see and hear the milky waters gushing down behind the Green Veil. "Go with the Flow" sing the waters.. and my feet continue their march upwards. 

Farther up, the Alps are bursting with new Life.. blooming meadows, singing insects and the mellifluous cow-bells... I stop to smell the fresh blooms.. uhmmmm... and then Bees... oowww.. time to move on...

Higher and farther away from the lake that I'd planned to walk alongside.

SU Beckenried had set aside May 23rd for an evening stroll through a town in another canton in search of Maienkäfer (Beetles). I had not only signed up, but also volunteered to drive 3 other passengers in my car. It has been raining all weekend and by lunchtime, we have a heavy downpour going on. I wonder if the event will be rescheduled to tomorrow evening with a Sunnier & warmer the weather forecast. But No.. No.. No.. the Swiss like their calendars scheduled atleast a month in advance and once it's decided, it's set in Stone -- regardless of cooperation from weather Gods. Nevertheless, the low temperatures & rainy weather does not deter the group of ~20 women, I see gathered at Klewenparkplatz. We're told that we're driving to Altdorf - capital of Canton Uri. 

I have two women in my car "Antonia" and "Beatrice". As we drive through the 10 km Seelisberg tunnel, Antonia recounts her experience at the Medieval festival in Germany she attended during the weekend. Luckily the weather didn't play a spoilsport in Germany but since she doesn't have a Smartphone, she can't share pictures of the Knights, pipers, lit up castles & of course the ubiquitous Beery celebrations.

We stopover at Moosbad Altdorf, leaving two of the cars behind and bundle up into four cars towards the centre of Altdorf. It cold & rainy as we begin our stroll through this historic town.

Read more: A walk in the Rain through historic Altdorf: May 23rd Our first stop is "Telldenkmal" - The world-famous Tell monument reminds us of the story of Switzerland’s origin. It was on this square, where Wilhelm Tell did his legendary apple shot atop his son's head. Nobody knows whether he is fact or fiction, but the story is known worldwide. He is the symbol of Swiss pride, courage, and the Swiss national hero of liberty. 
As we climb up the 200+ stairs of the Türmli  (tower), i wonder if some of the silver haired beauties amongst us will manage.

A historic audio narrative, in German, about Altdorf and William Tell fills the Tower. I don't understand much, and instead enjoy the extensive views of the village in all four directions.

What do Yoga, Khichdi, Swiss and Friday Evening have in common one may wonder?? S (my brazilian friend) is bringing along three other women for an evening of Yoga and Ayurvedic cooking. 

Read more: Friday Evening - Yoga, Khichdi and the Swiss: May 6thIt's 4:15PM and I'm desperately trying to memorize my thoughts on Yoga and Indian Philosophy in German (Danke Schön to Lukas for the translations) and fervently hoping that they're late. But oh-no.. these Swiss are punctual to the Tee.. at 4:30PM the doorbell rings and here they are. During introductions, i learn that they're all fluent in English and actually prefer that i speak in English.. Whew!!!

We talk a bit (correction: I talk and they Listen) about what Yoga means to me, about Indian Spirituality and healing through Ayurveda.

We begin the Yoga session with Pranayama (breathing exercises) in the balcony.. We bask in the glorious Sunshine and admire the calm views of the lake and the mountains while panting like a dog, Hissing like a Snake and growling like a Lion.

The neighbours are probably calling '112' (aka 911 in US) wondering what beasts this wild Indian girl next-door has in her apartment. We're having too much fun awakening our inner child and playing out the animal poses to keep track of time.
Before we realise it, it's already 6PM.. we're a full 30 mins over!!