Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I wake up with the pilot announcing the start of our descent into Switzerland. Is it real.. am I really arriving in 20 mins to my future home??? How will my first day in Swiss turn out to be??

After a refreshing mint tea offered by the hostess (I believe my gown brought out the generosity in her!), I couldn’t wait to set foot on Zurich airport.

I collect my gown from the overhead bunker bed where she was sleeping and start to make my way towards baggage claim.

The typical 5 min walk felt about an hour thanks to the constant swapping of the gown in alternate raised hands. I arrive at the overcrowded passport control with long lines. Oh-my am I really in Switzerland – why are the lines so long? Since when? Then it suddenly occurs to me – ahh.. it’s summertime my first in Switzerland.

Finally it’s my turn in front of the officer and I’m wondering what questions is he going to ask me seeing the gown. Luckily for me, owing to the long line of passengers behind me, the officer is more than happy to scan my passport & let me through. I arrive to find my bags enjoying a free ride on the luggage carousel ☺
Too bad my dears, you have to get up-close and personal with each other as I switch them from the carousel to the cart.

My Overloaded cartI start making my way out with an air of non-chalance, while fervently praying inside that my now overloaded cart doesn’t attract the custom official’s attention.
“Excuse me Miss, please step to the side” and I know my prayers weren’t made with all sincerity ☹
“Sprechen Sie Deutsch? - Nein. 
Ingles? - Yes. 
Where are you from? - US.
What do you have here? - A wedding gown. 
Who is it for? - Me
Do you live here? - No, not yet.. well from now on after my wedding, I will be!! 
What’s the value? - I don’t know.. Maybe $500.
Ok Miss, leave the cart here and go to the other counter to pay VAT.

At that instance a big wave of relief swept over me. I’d assumed that they would scan all my bags. A VAT of $42.10 suddenly didn’t seem to be too bad after all.

SnowflakesWith a big smile on my face (much to the surprise of the custom officials) I ran into Lukas’s arms and he slips the most amazing snowflake ring on my finger.

Soon we’re on our way to Näfels to meet Susi who will be altering my gown. Susi being a true Italian woman with a big Heart immediately starts to cook us a welcome Italian meal .. ummmm the saffron-chanterelle mushroom Risotto and fresh salad from her garden is just divine and so is the Vino Rosso – just what I needed after a hectic day yesterday and only 3 hours of sleep!!! Could Life be anymore beautiful and wonder who told me – there were no Free LUNCHES???

daydreamerAs I’m happily day-dreaming while listening to Susi and Lukas talk in Swiss-German, "Fabienne - Susi’s daughter" arrives with her 10 day young Boy – “Morris”. Wow!! It sure is a small world -- From Morristown to meeting Morris. You can see the joy and the pride in Susi- Nonna’s eyes as she carries “Morris” around!

I could day-dream all day, but soon we go upstairs to her atelier where my trysts with the dress begin. Oh Boy.. it sure gets HOT here in summertime. I hadn’t realized that there’s no AC in Swiss Homes. I can feel lines of sweat already dripping down my back and legs.

Susi is very creative and she soon figures out all the alterations needed and I’m relieved of my misery!! God – why did I want this?? Perhaps a simple white cotton summer dress might’ve been a better idea than this multilayered gown. Susi offers us delicious Raspberry ice-cream, espresso and almond pastries.. as I polish them off, a voice inside says “if you continue eating like this, perhaps she won’t need to alter the dress at all”

After a few more minutes of coffee-talk and laughter, we’re on the road again. Lukas decides to take me home from the scenic route of Klöntalersee (a natural lake in the Canton of Glarus) and Pragel Pass (elevation 1548m). It’s sweltering hot and to my surprise I find myself wishing for a bed to sleep instead of enjoying the natural beauty of the valley :’(

We stop at Walti’s jewelry store to say Hello and finally we’re on our way home. It’s 5:30PM and I realize I’ve been on the road for more than 24 hours now.

The Wilkommen signs on the doorway (hung by Pius and Maja – our neighbors) obliterated all tiredness and worry of getting my luggage across a badly broken down path.

A few minutes later, it was time to go swimming in lake Lucerne. The cool waters of the lake engulfed me and washed away the fatigue. The heavens opened up and started their blessings. Words cannot express the Freedom and the Joy of swimming amidst thunder, lightning and rain!