Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Of the many Joys that Winter brings (including hibernation wink), one of my favourite is enjoying the art pieces strewn along the landscapes wherever I look.  

It's in Winters that the Trees stand Bare, divesting themselves of their robes, for us over-dressed humans to admire the artwork hidden beneath.

Each Tree and Branch offering a screen, a window to view the landscape beyond or to contemplate on the Tree of Life connecting all forms of Creation.

When Winter is here, can Spring be far behind? And with it, the artwork will lay hidden again until Autumn comes around and the leaves start fluttering their way to the Ground yet again... Hmmm.. Circle of Life!!!!

But let me not jump ahead of myself.. Spring is another 3 months away.. so let me breathe-in the beauty of Nature's artwork.

I present here a few rare moments when i had my cell to capture the artwork.






