Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

I join the ladies of Sport Union-Beckenried for their annual Winter-Evening-FunTrip at Klewenalp. We're ~35 women: from young teenage girls to silver-haired graceful women - the wrinkles on their faces reflecting the seasons gone by. Mamut, Jack Wolfskin, NorthFace, MountainHardwear and Marmot Jackets, Caps, Scarves and Gloves of all colors can be seen. The camaraderie that the women share reflects in the good humoured banter and laughter. It doesn't matter to me that i don't understand the Swiss-German chatter around me and that there are just a couple of familiar faces around. The team spirit is infectious. Such a wonderful idea to get women of all age groups under one roof.

As the Gondola starts it's upward journey at 7:15PM (the Swiss are extremely punctual), one of the two organisers of the evening) distributes a small card to each one of us. I have a picture of a "Snowball in Gloves" and now need to find my five other team-mates. We will be playing 3 different games. I hold up my card & soon find my mates.. One of them is C - who's operating the Gondola today (since it's a ladies only trip). I introduce myself in Deutsch & tell them that i can only speak Hoch-Deutsch and very little (ein bisschen) Swiss-Deutsch. Soon I'm trying to remember all the names.. there's a couple of Anna-Maries, two Lucias, Edith, a couple of Marlenes, Martina, Wendy, Heidi, Irm.. I'm hoping there won't be a test later on.

The Full Moon is lighting up the night sky like a big bright lantern and the reflections from White snow make it a cosy ambience atop Klewenalp. Yet each group is given a big wax candles to hold up as we walk to a ridge. Tea-light candles have been placed all along the path. We arrive at a ridge with a few benches and views of the lake dotted by lights of Beckenried...

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The first game is to guess 5 different Spices used in everyday cooking. Dark velvet sachets filled with spices and enclosed in glass bottles are handed out to each group. We're just supposed to sniff & guess.. Cinnamon was the easiest; followed by Oregano with it's distinct taste; Bouillon Mix and some Herbed salt. The fifth one had absolutely no smell at all.. needless to say, we cheated & tasted the Salt (shhhh!!). After all groups have written the answers in their sheets, we walk to the Junior Ski-Lift. The Snow is soft underneath.. 

The second game is for 5 drinks... again only smell. Well it's cold out here.. so the organisers let us taste..Red Wine is the easiest, followed by lemon Soda. I take a sip of Green Apple Schnaps (which i couldn't have guessed in a zillion years) and feel the instant warmth down to my stomach... Ummmmm.. Not sure i care too much about guessing the other drinks anymore!

Finally we move on to the Klewenkapelle - it's gable-roof structure lit by the moonlight and the silhouette of the tower against the backdrop of snow covered Alps.. i look up and see a few stars twinkling in the Sky. A.M. gives us a brief history of the Chapel - The design, fitting into the timeless form of the Alps on which it stands, comes from architect Gustav Helber. It was inaugurated in July 1943 during the war years. Due to the panoramic views, it's a much sought after site for weddings in the summer.

The final game is about local cheeses. My team mates ask if i love Cheese? Are you kidding?? "I love it.. totally, but since my taste buds aren't yet tuned, there's no way i can contribute to this game". The Cheese pieces are passed on & i happily nibble on each one .. tongue-out I tell my team mates that in Northern India, we make fresh cheese at home and don't usually store it for too long. We make curries and desserts from them. 

Finally we cautiously step down a long wooden staircase laden with slippery icy snow to a wooden Chalet. Warm Punch is passed around along with winter-spiced cakes. I make small talk in my broken Deutsch with a few ladies. They are gracious to speak with me in Hoch-Deutsch or English. Soon the Organisers read out the correct answers.. of course there are no Winners and for that matter no Losers this evening. 

We walk back to the Gondola-station: collecting the tea-light candles along the way (leave no trace behind!). Inside the Gondola, we give our "Thanks" and a Big Applause to the two organisers for taking the time and the effort to make it a fun-filled evening. As i get off the Gondola back in Beckenried, I wonder how many names of my newly met friends will I remember tomorrow..