Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

On a cold wintry morning, I find myself on the Yoga mat. Perhaps I'm too lazy to don the extra layers and brave the cold & windy conditions outside or just because...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_01_Yoga_Audience.jpgThe cats scamper to the topmost hammock of their tree and eye me dubiously.. "Is she possessed by a monkey-spirit?" They follow the movements of the limbs, worried that they may come flying at any moment and hurt them.

After a few minutes, Nellie bravely comes down and sits on the carpet next to the mat & starts meowing her special meows when she wants to be petted. I'm now faced with the conflict: "Should I be in the Now & pet her or continue with Yoga?" Needless to say she wins easily as always! My willpower wanes in front of her cuteness. 

Soon enough Skylar is also down from the tree and onto my mat. She decides to subject the mat to Scratch test. To her utter delight, it isn't scratch resistant and gleefully digs her claws further into the mat... She starts to eat the Yoga mat.. One would assume that we don't feed them. Ouch.. there goes my Yoga practice for the day.

It gets greyer and colder in the afternoon and Nellie invites me to hang-out with her. Ofcourse she manages to climb atop a pile of freshly washed rugs. Cats have an insatiable desire of ironing freshly washed laundry by sitting on it.

Perhaps it's their way of marking the territory by leaving traces of hair or perhaps they're innocent & just want to help..

Skylar is just happy to cuddle up & dream on.. and i say to myself.. Perhaps i should follow their lead.. "Hibernation" has a wonderful sound to it, Nicht war? (German for isn't it??)



