Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Today voters in Switzerland decide on four separate issues in nationwide ballots. A rightwing initiative to enforce the automatic deportation of convicted foreigners even for minor offences like speeding; a leftwing proposal to ban financial speculation with foodstuffs; a centrist plan to introduce tax breaks for families; and environmental groups challenging a decision to build another road tunnel through the central Swiss Alps.

Read more: In Pursuit of Colors on Swiss Referendum Day: Feb 28With the results still pouring in, we head out for a walk. The day matches the gloomy mood of all foreigners here fervently wishing that the proposal is rejected. The referendum comes at a time when many European countries are hardening their attitudes to migrants after more than a million arrived on the continent last year. The Ducks & the Sea Gulls float contently on the water, totally unaware of the politics being played out around them.

Why, oh Why can't we Humans learn from Animals to live without Borders and to only take from Nature to satisfy our Needs and not Greeds??

We're driving back from Altdorf and the Clear-Blue Skies lure us into making an impulsive stop. We decide to walk through the Reussdelta. This is where the River Reuss flows into Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne) in the canton of Uri. It's a mosaic of shallow water and reed beds.

Wooden bridges, Towers and Observation decks offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Unlike us mere mortals clad in jackets and sticking to the confines of the decks, the ducks are at home in the frigid waters of the lake.

Read more: Reussdelta visit: Feb24

Read more: Reussdelta visit: Feb24

Read more: Reussdelta visit: Feb24


After what seemed like an eternal spell of grey overcast skies, the Sun shines through.. Yippee!!! Time to step out and bask in the Sunshine coolcool

Brrr.. despite the welcome warmth of the Sunshine, the wind still feels Cooool -- reminds me of Dicken's "One of those days when it's Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade" 

Read more: Happiness is... A Sunny Day!!! Feb 21We stop at the benches by the lake..

Clear Blue Sky, Sun, Blue-Blue waters of the placid Lake reflecting the idyllic mountain landscape, Sea Gulls & Ducks, Shadows on the Green Grass mimicking Rigi (the mountain facing us!)

The sound of the gentle waves lapping against the rocks and

..... Silence........

 Suddenly Cell -> Picture -> txt msgs -> Aaiiiii Yaaaiiii Yaaaaiiii Yaaaaiiiiii Yaaaaiiiiiii.

 Goodbye Silence, Hello Brain Chatter..


Read more: Happiness is... A Sunny Day!!! Feb 21


Grey skies as far as the eye can see.. Hmmm.. It's yet another one of those wintry mornings where you have to make your own sunshine.

I set out for a walk.. The fog over the lake and the low visibility makes me notice the li'l surprises along the trail.. Mushrooms of eye-popping orange color growing out of a log, a cat digging for field mice, the sound of snow as it falls from the nearby trees, a mäusebussard circling in the sky.. I count my blessings as i continue walking uphill..

Read more: Foggy Foggy Day: Feb 13

And suddenly out of nowhere, i come upon a partially frozen waterfall..  

Moss, Stones, Red leaves, Snow strewn over green grass, the Smell of Wet Earth and Water creating music.. roars of excitement and the gentle flow along the pebbles.. I immerse myself into the surprise Gift with my eyes, ears and Soul. The water seems to tell me "Go with the Flow" and time stands Still.

And as i turn back, the fog has mostly disappeared leaving but a thin wisp of a cloud hanging amidst the lake and the mountains.. 

Read more: Foggy Foggy Day: Feb 13