Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's the "Tantalizing 20th" for Aishna Today!


The "no-longer teenager" begins the day by accompanying us to Altdorf to pick up her cake baked by another 20 year old beauty: Simona.

Simona is a jeweler by profession and also loves to bake cakes for fun. Simona and her proud mother Bettina show us a thin crusted, creamy quark forest berry chocolate cake! It wins the best cake contest hands down.

I'm wondering if she'll offer baking lessons. It soon becomes increasingly difficult for me to drive with the cake and not dig into it already tongue-out

After using my now rusty organizational skills, I finally manage to make enough room for the cake in the refrigerator.

We amble on to Nidwaldnerhof to meet Terry, Ruth and Lisa to not only feast our taste buds but our eyes as well! The views are well matched by the spread of breads and cheeses, yogurts, home made jams... 

Next stop is at Armand and Claudia's lakeside garden where Vikram and Anna have just arrived from Interlaken. After a few minutes of meet and greet, we head over to Klewenalp. Some of us are happily lapping up the views of the aquamarine lake & green alps, while others are fervently wishing that the ride ends soon!

As we step out of the car, the oohs & aahs of the rest of the gang rapidly turn into a pretty long drawn out photo session (I'm no longer a tourist, so i hold off my excitement. More so because i know there are better views to come!) I'm wondering at this rate when will we ever complete our hike to Stockhütte... Thankfully the guide has to eventually ask us to leave to make way for the incoming passengers.

After a quick stop to view the trail map & admire the Ricola herb garden.. finally we're off for greener pastures!



Vikram and Selfie-queen Aishna make frequent stops to take pics with a Bazooka and a HTC cell respectively and to compare notes on the fine art of photography!



After an hour and a half of uphill walk, we arrive at Silbi's Tipi Dorf. Silbi treats us to fresh cow milk (which tastes more like liquid butter), alp cheese, bread, beer and apple-cider! We're all happy to eat, chat & be faulpelz (lazybones).

With skies turning an ominous grey, Silbi advises us to move onward as we still have 1.5 hours to Stockhütte. We stop by to pay our respects to the Christmas tree. The distant thunder soon turns into a pleasant rain and then to a downpour.. Hiking in the rain is the BEST!!

We take the cable car down to Emmetten and ride the post bus back to Beckenried.

Aishna gets to celebrate her B'day dinner party at Bahnhöfli in Seelisberg where the owner Eva has made special Birthday decorations for Aishna at the table. She also has Glueten-Free pizza much to Aishna's delight. With her warmth and caring service, Eva makes it a very special dinner for all of us. DANKE SCHÖN EVA!!











As we drive back home into the late night, i thank the universe for a lovely day and can't help wondering what tomorrow has in store for us... Que Sera Sera...