Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

In German-speaking areas of Switzerland, Saint Nicholas (or Santa Claus) is known as Samichlaus. On December 5th, the eve of St. Nicolas Day, villages around Lake Lucerne glow with the light of hundreds of enormous iffele - heavy paper-cut bishops' miter/hats - paraded through the streets by men and boys in white robes. The headpieces are artistically designed, intricately cut out of cardboard, and lit by a candle within. The iffelen, from three to six feet tall, have been made for over 100 years. Each is a unique piece of art. When the candle is lit they are transformed into "stained glass" due to the many colors of transparent paper inside.

Each town has its own way to celebrate. In Beckenried, the day starts at 10AM with the Samichlaismärcht or the Santa Market. Visitors crowd around the 70+ stalls selling handicrafts of all shapes & sizes. But Ofcourse I'm instantly drawn to the colourful food stalls -- Heisse Marroni (Roasted Chestnuts); BratKäse (Molten Cheese on Bread); Lebkuchen (Christmas Spiced Cakes) Glüwein (Mulled Wine) and Grappas. I shamelessly sample everything vegetarian. There's also a stand with a whole Ox being grilled... I can barely look at it.

Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th


Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5thRead more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th


Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th

Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th

Read more: Samichlaismärcht und Samichlaisizug: December 5th


The Santa Claus parade in Beckenried begins at 20:00 hrs. It's just 17:00 hrs now as we make our way to our friends home for dinner. On our way, we get a sneak preview of the "Trichlers" and the "Geisslechlepfers". I pause to take a couple of pictures.

After dinner, we head out with our friends to witness the famous Samichlaus parade. By now the town is completely dark. The street lights are turned off; no lights are visible in any windows. Most of the 3000 residents of Beckenried and many visitors line up in anticipation along the main street. Its hard to find a spot. Some bangs and dull rumbling noises can be heard in the distance. Slowly the noises start to come closer.

It's about 7:30PM in the evening and I'm getting my daily dose of Deutsch. Lukas's cell rings. The only word I can understand in the short conversation is "Mutti". Lukas says: "Mutti died ~20 mins ago. Would you like to go there?" But of course!! How can it even be anything else. Lukas's Sister & Brother-in-law are picking us up in 15 mins. 

Read more: A Tribute to Mutti: December 2, 2015As I put on my jacket, my mind takes a trip down the memory lane to the first time I met Mutti (as Lukas's Mother is lovingly called)

She was coming out of a Ship: dressed in hiking attire - trekking poles in hand, sporty sunglasses perched atop her nose.

Is she really 88 years old? I wouldn't put her a day over 60.

I quietly wonder how i will be if i survive upto that ripe age.

She's my instant Hero...


It's a rare beautiful Blue Sky day and I find myself driving up the steep single road of Bürgenstock to St Jost. I have been drawn to Kirchentürme (Church spires) across Europe especially those from really old Churches.

And just a few of them are my favourites - where i have found myself totally engulfed by Silence.. a Silence so deep, it penetrates into the depths of the Heart & Soul. When there's no more mind -- the normal racing thoughts suddenly grind to a complete halt and you blend in with the Silence and all you do is Observe and let the quiet dose of energy do it's magic...

Here's my attempt to paint a glimpse of these Kirchen (Churches).  

Read more: Ruhige Kirchen in der Schweiz: Part 1



As some of you are already aware, Lukas & I have been shortlisted in the "Newlyweds Couple" contest for 2015. Many Thanks to the friends from around the world who've already voted for us!

To the rest of us, we still need your votes to win!
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Read more: It's Voting time already..


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