Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: First Sunday Zopf Breakfast -- Jan 21It's our first Sunday at HOME SWEET HOME. After months of hectic renovation, packing, moving, unpacking -- we've finally made this House our Home. There's still a lot of unpacking and settling down to be done, but today is Sunday and the Swiss don't work on Sunday. It's time for the traditional Swiss Breakfast: Zopf, Butter, Honey, Jam, Soft Boiled Egg, Cheese, Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit....

Take a slice of the home-baked braided bread, spread - rather layer - it with a slice of butter, then add some honey. Butter, bread and honey... all melting in the mouth....Mhmmm... What's not to Love??

And like the Swiss, I've learnt to butter the Zopf generously. After all the Swiss Butter comes from happy cows grazing in the alpine meadows. Nothing in the US comes close.. well perhaps Kerrygold (Irish butter)..

Thank you Switzerland for this delectable traditional Sunday treat!!


We've had an uneventful first night at our Home. We managed to sleep comfortably after a hectic day. To our pleasant surprise, it wasn't too cold inside. The cats find their own comfort spots for the night. Morning finds them both sitting in our bedroom -- waiting for us to wake up & feed them. We have decided to keep the cats indoors for at least a month, so they get accustomed to their new home and not try to go back home to their old apartment in Beckenried.

Lukas needs to go back to Beckenried for pretty much the whole day on various errands. He slips out quietly ensuring no cat manages to get out. I get busy unpacking and settling down. Nellie shows up now & then.. curious about what I'm upto.. sniffing into the open boxes, playing with the packing papers, meowing to offer me her support. It's late in the afternoon & i suddenly realise, i haven't seen Skylar all day. I look for her all over the house, under the beds, amidst the boxes, closets.. she's nowhere. I call her quite a few times, but only silence.. No meows.. Where could she be?

Today we're ready to make the "400 year old House" our Home. Our day starts very early, finishing the last minute packing. The Packers and Movers arrive promptly at 7:00 AM. Soon the dismantling, packing and loading is in full swing. There's intermittent rain in the forecast and I'm a little worried. The Movers' trucks cannot be driven to the House. The construction road to the House from the Parking is pretty steep, so we have made arrangements with the neighbour farmer to use his Agri-Transporter for the last leg of the journey. If it rains hard, it will not only make the road slippery, but will also soak the goods during the transport.. Anyways.. there's no other way out.

The cats are not having a good day, their comfort zones are being stripped away one after another. Lukas takes them to the laundry room, so they're at least out of the way of the movers.. and in a safe place. 

In Numbers:

Read more: Labor of Love -- Jan 15

- 7 months of Renovation (Kitchen, Bath, Roof, Electric & Sanitary Retrofit)

- 12.5 tonnes of waste disposed

- 3.5 tonnes of natural mortar used to stabilize the 70cm thick Stone wall

- 1.15 tonnes of handmade clay floor tiles for Kitchen Floor

- 11.5 tonnes of clay roof tiles covering 158 m2

- 10 contractors (7 of whom we wouldn't hire anymore)

- Countless hours of research & trips to hardware stores

- 1 Man with a Vision... (Architect/Designer/Builder and more...)


Today, this 400 year old House is ready to become a "Home"!

Our Labor of Love, Sweat, Blood, Tears, Stress and Joy -- is finally "Move-in Ready" cool