Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

We've had an uneventful first night at our Home. We managed to sleep comfortably after a hectic day. To our pleasant surprise, it wasn't too cold inside. The cats find their own comfort spots for the night. Morning finds them both sitting in our bedroom -- waiting for us to wake up & feed them. We have decided to keep the cats indoors for at least a month, so they get accustomed to their new home and not try to go back home to their old apartment in Beckenried.

Lukas needs to go back to Beckenried for pretty much the whole day on various errands. He slips out quietly ensuring no cat manages to get out. I get busy unpacking and settling down. Nellie shows up now & then.. curious about what I'm upto.. sniffing into the open boxes, playing with the packing papers, meowing to offer me her support. It's late in the afternoon & i suddenly realise, i haven't seen Skylar all day. I look for her all over the house, under the beds, amidst the boxes, closets.. she's nowhere. I call her quite a few times, but only silence.. No meows.. Where could she be?

I peek into the attic, but No cat. I ask Nellie, where her sister is.. she accompanies me in the search.. sniffing around each room.. Nothing. Did she somehow manage to escape? OMG, where will we find her?? I'm almost in tears as Lukas comes back home later. He reassures me that she's probably somewhere hiding in the house because she's just stressed out of the whole packing, moving & new house. She just needs her time.. to readjust. 

So we go yet again.. looking through each room.. she's nowhere to be seen. Lukas peeks into the attic and there she is.. sitting quietly behind the door, out of reach of my vision. Lukas being a foot taller than me, could see her, hiding there, scared and seeking her security behind the door. I burst out in tears of relief and joy. THANK GOD!! Cats and all the games they play!!

I must've called out to her atleast 10 times in the attic -- guess she was playing Hide and Seek and I didn't manage to seek her (We didn't have a ladder to climb into the attic and I haven't perfected the art of flying yet ;)

Skylar - 1; Keerti - 0