Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Storm Burglind (Eleanor) made landfall in Switzerland this morning. What began as a windy morning, soon turns into gale force winds of ~150 km/h and heavy rains. The windows in the apartment are rattling so violently, I feel they will break at any instant. I step outside into the balcony.. It's hard to stand there, you almost get blown away. The howling winds have turned the normally placid lake into a raging monster, with huge waves crashing full force into the shoreline.

Later in the afternoon, after the storm has quietened, we head out to Seelisberg, to check on our "House on the Rocks". Hardly 10 mins into our drive, we have to turn back as the road to Emmetten is blocked due to uprooted trees. With crossed fingers we hope for the best in Seelisberg..

Next day, after the roads have been cleared, we're finally able to make our way to Seelisberg.. All along the road, we see parts of uprooted trees. Storm Burglind has wreaked havoc in Switzerland and has felled around 1.3 million cubic metres of wood in Swiss forests. Quite a sight awaits us when we reach closer to our House. Not only is the access road to our property blocked by fallen trees, about half of the old trees in our property have been uprooted. The "Natural Tree Pagoda" on the picnic place no longer exists, the tops of three fir trees have fallen down, one narrowly missing our roof by a couple of meters (Whew!!). The fairy tale pathway to the house from the parking is totally blocked by uprooted trees.. cry

Read more: Racletting into 2018 -- Jan 01' 2018Sharing a Raclette is a great way to enjoy quality time with friends, to switch off and relax. It is not a meal to be eaten in haste. Those in a hurry should go, look for a sandwich. 

Traditionally a half round of cheese is placed over a wood or charcoal fire. The molten and toasted top layer of the cheese is scraped onto a plate and the next layer is ready for melting. So, it does take quite sometime till everyone has had his share.. Switzerland's very own Slow Food!!

Read more: You and I... -- Dec 14So, if you're too tired to play,

lay next to me,

because I, too,

am fluent in Silence.


Although the temperatures have been below freezing for the last two weeks, it's only today that the first snow of the season starts to fall.. Our "House on the Rocks" and the meadows acquire a powdered sugar coating..

Along with the beauty, comes the snow shovelling chore. It's the first time since I moved to Switzerland that i pick up the snow shovel and start the pushing and scooping... Quite a good workout I'd say!!

Read more: The first Snow is here -- Dec 09' 2017 Read more: The first Snow is here -- Dec 09' 2017