Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2018_01_IMG_6069.JPGIt's our first Sunday at HOME SWEET HOME. After months of hectic renovation, packing, moving, unpacking -- we've finally made this House our Home. There's still a lot of unpacking and settling down to be done, but today is Sunday and the Swiss don't work on Sunday. It's time for the traditional Swiss Breakfast: Zopf, Butter, Honey, Jam, Soft Boiled Egg, Cheese, Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit....

Take a slice of the home-baked braided bread, spread - rather layer - it with a slice of butter, then add some honey. Butter, bread and honey... all melting in the mouth....Mhmmm... What's not to Love??

And like the Swiss, I've learnt to butter the Zopf generously. After all the Swiss Butter comes from happy cows grazing in the alpine meadows. Nothing in the US comes close.. well perhaps Kerrygold (Irish butter)..

Thank you Switzerland for this delectable traditional Sunday treat!!