Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Guess who stopped by?? Mar 18While we were having breakfast, suddenly out of the mist came two little creatures.. A Mommy Deer and a li'l Bambi - grazing in the meadows.

They hung out in front of us the whole day and we just enjoyed watching them silently from our window. We didn't step out, so as not to disturb them. The cats sat on their Window perch and watched them too... full of curiosity.

Such a blessing that these little animals feel comfortable enough to get this close.  

THANK YOU BAMBIs for allowing us to be a witness to your SERENE Day!!!

Read more: We have a Letter Box -- Mar 15It not only lives inside a tree trunk, but also has the best View in town ..

Overlooking the Lake, the Mythen and the Fronalpstock. Hey after all, it's the Location that counts!!!

(Of course I forgot to mention that we have to walk ~250m to get to the Letterbox wink )


Read more: Our Forest gets cleared -- March 08' 2018More than 2 months after the storm Burglind has uprooted half of the trees in our land, the Forestry Service comes to begin the clean up work. 4 workers with heavy machinery and motor saws arrive early and get to work promptly. 

All day long, the men & their machines are at work -- Sawing, digging, excavating, pulling, hauling - leaving behind craters where once the tree roots lived. 

These redwood tree trunks are huge. "Since they have pretty big branches, the trunks are not best suited to be split for firewood" explains one of the workers.


As the last of the tree trunks & roots get hauled away, we thank the Trees for having enriched our Forest with their presence and for the gift of firewood that they now bestow upon us..

One cooks comfort foods inside -- Panettone, Raclette and Chole et al... tongue-outinnocent

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside


Or.. One hangs out with the cats...

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside

Read more: When it's too cold to go outside