Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Marienhöhe: Cradle of Confederation -- May 05' 2018A 4km hike from home through "Weg der Schweiz" into the romantic Tannwald forest brings me to Marienhöhe: A tiny peaceful chapel of Mother Mary with baby Jesus surrounded by lush green trees. Here, Silence envelopes the Body, Mind and Soul.. One gets quiet to the core...

And hardly a couple of steps away, awaits a stunning view of the two Mythen peaks and Fronalpstock, with Lake Lucerne and the Rütli directly below, along the rock wall. This is where Charles Giron is said to have stood in 1902 to work on the 11.5 x 5-meter oil-on-canvas painting named "Cradle of confederation" for the National Council chamber of the Federal Parliament building in Bern. 

Even though it's kinda cloudy, I stand a couple of minutes to just take in the view -- the lake, the mountains, the forest.. is a humbling Moment as always. Body, Mind and Soul refreshed, i head back home, partly running, partly walking.. Where a nice Chocolate-Banana-Cream (a la Lukas) cake awaits to be devoured..  tongue-out

It's yet another Sunny Spring Day. Our friends Claudia and Armand with their four legged pets - Cara and Rassel are coming over for a visit.

The Baker in the family (not me!), wants to have an Ananas Torte (Pineapple Cake). Since there's no chocolate in it, I'm not too excited.. frown But once he's done decorating it, i can't stop drooling.. tongue-out

Claudia and Armand, where are you guys?? Having the cake in front of you, but not being able to bite into it is Torture! Never thought I'd feel like this about anything other than a Chocolate cake... but well, one learns new aspects about oneself everyday...

Skylar disappears like an arrow into the house signalling that our friends and their dogs are around the corner. And it's Coffee, Tea and Cake time... Ummmm.. this fluffy delight just melts in the mouth - a slice of heaven served on a plate!! 

Read more: Pineapple Sunshine -- April 29

Read more: Pineapple Sunshine -- April 29

Read more: Pineapple Sunshine -- April 29


A lot of felled tree trunks..

1 Man,

1 Electric Splitter,

1 Weekend...

Makes a nice stack of Firewood wink

Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23

Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23

Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23


Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23

Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23

Read more: Woodcracker -- April 23


Clear blue skies above, warm green meadows dotted with flowers below, a lake and some snow capped mountain tops.. Nature has sprung back to Life!!

So what are you waiting for?? Grab your shoes and head out...

See, Smell, Hear, Touch and Wonder -- Relish the gifts of Nature with all your senses!!!

Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18

Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18

Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18


Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18

Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18

Read more: Got Spring in my step -- April 18