Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Lucern Hinterland - legends and more -- June 01' 2018The Swiss Sport Festival of Sport Union Switzerland (SUS) takes place every six years. This year this national event of the major grassroots sports association takes place from 1-3 June in Lucerne hinterland - Luthern. On the first day "Bewegungsfest" (Movement Fest) under the Motto: "Anyone who moves a lot stays mentally fit for longer", is on the program.

I ride with about 30 women from SU Beckenried in a bus to Luthern. After registration, and enjoying a coffee and croissant snack, we are ready for the Legendary trail hike @ 10:30 AM.

Here in the Luthertal, with its deep ditches and mystical, secluded places, legends are still alive. Legends are messages for the heart and less for the mind. Their purpose is to process the inexplicable past. Sagenweg (Legendary path) with its wooden sculptures tries to save the local cultural heritage from disappearing into oblivion. The path gives a little insight into the rich mythology of the Luthertal. At the same time the path leads through the impressive and varied hilly landscape of the Napfregion.

Read more: Morning has broken -- May 26


Read more: Our first Herb Garden -- May 252 days

rocks and stones from the surroundings

Lukas's dry wall building skills

some bags of dark organic earth

dirty hands

a few aromatic herbs: Basil, Coriander, Curry, Lovage, Thyme, Sage, Mint, Parsley, Rosemarie and Lavender

And we have our own small herb garden a few steps away from the Kitchen!! Just planting them had such an aromatherapeutic effect, that i can already visualise the butterflies fluttering by, the bees and wasps buzzing around the lavender, the taste of fresh rosemarie or basil.. mhmmmmm.. But i have to wait before i can harvest them ... Patience, patience, patience my dear..!!


Read more: Skylar's Trauma -- May 20It's Pentecost weekend and we're having Breakfast outside with visiting friends. Suddenly Skylar comes shrieking down at full speed being chased by another cat. She jumps onto the Window bench and starts licking herself. She's shaking all over - extremely scared. Lukas shoos away the other cat and tries to calm her. She's bleeding and licking her paw and extremely shaken. Somehow he manages to bring her in and she immediately runs and hides into the attic and starts to meow painfully. My heart is bleeding more than her paw cry


I manage to coax her to come down and she lays with me in the bed, still bleeding and meowing in pain. I try to give all my energy to her while Lukas calls the emergency Vets. It's a holiday and weekend, but we're able to manage an appointment in Luzern. We pad her in cat basket with a blanket and drive to Luzern.. she's meowing in pain all the way. The Vet says they need to operate on her open paw with sedation. It'll take a couple of hours. We walk to a nearby cafe and sit down.. sad.. not knowing what awaits us.. hoping for the best.