Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Is it cold enough??

Better not ask the cats!!! 

Read more: Hibernating Cats..

Read more: Hibernating Cats..

Read more: Hibernating Cats..


The temperature dips down to -15°C (Brrrr!!!!) and inside the house we have different temperature zones varying from 22°C (Living Room & Kitchen) to 15°C (Lounge upstairs). Of course one doesn't walk around in short sleeves anymore -- since we aren't blessed with a natural fur like our feline babies, we're usually found covered in woollens... 

Our 70cm thick stone wall has a temperature difference of 30°C (-15 to 15°C).. Since the structure of the house is being exposed to a different climate for the first time in 30+ years, we're monitoring the temperature and humidity in various rooms/walls & hoping there aren't any surprises.

We do have a couple of frozen pipes but luckily the sun shines on the West Wall the next day and they thaw.. Whew!!!

Outside it's a Winter Wonderland, but inside the Fire is keeping us Warm & Cozy..  with some added support of Hot Chocolate & Schnapps  cool


Read more: Buried under Snow -- Feb 13' 2018

Read more: Buried under Snow -- Feb 13' 2018

Read more: Buried under Snow -- Feb 13' 2018


If you live in a 400 year old house in the Alps and it's wintertime -- sooner or later you've got to stock up on the wood. Sepp drives with his Agri-transporter @ 7:30AM and delivers the 2 tonnes of firewood we've ordered.

All righty then.. it's time to convert a loose, messy pile of wood into an orderly stack - a satisfying transformation one could say...

2 Tonnes of Firewood

2 workers -- one who knows what to do (Lukas), the other - a total newcomer (Yours Truly!)

2 Hours -- Bend, pick up a piece, enjoy the pungent earthy smell, find the right place for the piece of wood -- Repeat!!

2 meter long Wood stack

2 end towers (tight criss-cross stacking to increase the stack's stability)

Who needs a GYM anymore??? cool


Read more: Wood Stacking Morning Workout -- Jan 25 Read more: Wood Stacking Morning Workout -- Jan 25


Words are simply inadequate..

Read more: Twilight Zone -- Jan 23