Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

 Read more: Mittwoch August 12: Ladies Day OutI wake up all excited -- yeah I'm going hiking with Claudia and her dogs Cara & Russell at 7AM. Cara and Russell share my excitement for the hike and bark all the way to Schwändi (1150m), where we park. We walk along the road to serene Steinstössi Kapelle built in 1786. Cara takes a dip in the stream and we begin our uphill trail. Claudia, Cara and Russell skip uphill with ease while I start to slow down in about 15 mins. Boy these alps aren't easy to hike!

Yet another grey gloomy Morgen greets us as we wake up. Lukas and I head out for a walk. It's nice to breathe fresh air and watch the world wake up.. birds chirping, dog & owners on walks, seagulls flying with a purpose, a pink lining starts to form around the grey clouds.. Hmmmm i usually found silver lining around the grey clouds, the Pink is new, but I'll take it!!

I laze with a movie on Netflix in the morning and finish it just in time as Lukas walks in home for Lunch. He cooks basilica tortellini.. yum. yum. yumm.. i love this new life!!

I snooze again after lunch for a couple of hours. I sure am learning the art of doing nothing and lazing around pretty quick from the cats..cool

After some more paperwork for my bank account (I'm told that they need more paperwork for IRS before the account can be opened innocent) and health insurance, I'm about done for the day!

A quick swim in the lake with the ducks while watching the colors in the evening sky refreshes body, mind and soul...

We get inspired by Dan Barber's farming and artistic food presentation (courtesy Chef's table E2: Netflix) and hope to join a farming coop to get weekly veggies. I live to EAT, so it isn't a bad idea after all...


It's a cloudy gloomy grey morning. Somedays you just have to create your own sunshine... I decide to take a quiet walk with Mother Nature.. Soon i realize Happiness is the smell of fresh air laden with moisture, the sound of cowbells, the green pastures, drops of dew on the little flowers by the road.. I have no desire to run. Walking simply connects us back with Nature!

Read more: SonnTag: August 9A beautiful Golden sunrise greets me as I make my way to the balcony. The lake & the sky are flaming. Inspired by lovely sight before my eyes, I start off on a walk along Lielibach (Lieli River). The flaming sky on one side and the sound of water gushing down the bach makes for an interesting backdrop..