Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_golden_sunrise.JPGA beautiful Golden sunrise greets me as I make my way to the balcony. The lake & the sky are flaming. Inspired by lovely sight before my eyes, I start off on a walk along Lielibach (Lieli River). The flaming sky on one side and the sound of water gushing down the bach makes for an interesting backdrop..




Unpacking boxes takes up most of the day. I watch the Rain approaching -- with every passing second, the chalets and the green mountain slopes are being enveloped by white/grey mist. Soon we're under it as well. It's raining hard almost like in the tropics.. I watch as the mist continues to engulf the lake and Mt Rigi.. No more mountains and lakes around us.. just a white mist everywhere..

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_apricot_pie.jpgLukas bakes an Apricot Pie - perfect accompaniment with Coffee on a Rainy Day! As the pie is baking in the oven, i can't help compare the colors of the pie to the colors of the sky in the morning... Hmmmm.. Coincidence?? Naah.. Synchronicity I say!

We watch a lovely movie "The Little Boy" to end the day!