Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

We're awakened at 2AM by a severe thunderstorm.. Gusty winds, heavy rain, jagged bolts of lightening splitting up the now invisible mountains, followed by booms echoing through the valley. Quite a show. For once, the cats seem more interested in the drama being staged outside than in chasing each other. This is usually the time they get wild.

Thanks to the thunderstorm, I oversleep in the morning and my plans to go running before sunrise have to be laid to rest. I'm happy to be faulpelz for the day. I go back to snooze at 10AM for an hour. I cook Polenta and Ratatouille for the first time and to my utter delight (and Lukas's).. it's delicious. 

Its 2PM and i'm ready for my afternoon siesta. Uhhhmmmm how did i ever survive in the US without one? Siesta seems to be the most essential part of the day!

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0283.JPGI feel like having a Pizza, so we setoff to Bahnhöfli in Seelisberg. Eva greets us with her warm smile and inquires about Aishna and our guests from California and London.

The Pizza is so colorful, i admire it for a full minute even though my taste buds continue to salivate. The ice-cream is even yummier than the Pizza.. I could get used to this life style.. Siestas, yummy food, sleep!!


b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0288.JPGSince I feel stuffed, we decide to walk on the Angel trail. A short walk brings us to a vista point.

The lake and the surrounding peaks framed by the trees and the sheer cliffs, a boat leaving a wake in the still waters, birds flying back home, a lonesome butterfly fluttering by, the sounds of cowbells in the distance.. makes for such a serene setting that even the pesky mosquitoes don't seem to bother the stillness i feel within.