Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

 b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_KAPELLE_STEINSTSSI.jpgI wake up all excited -- yeah I'm going hiking with Claudia and her dogs Cara & Russell at 7AM. Cara and Russell share my excitement for the hike and bark all the way to Schwändi (1150m), where we park. We walk along the road to serene Steinstössi Kapelle built in 1786. Cara takes a dip in the stream and we begin our uphill trail. Claudia, Cara and Russell skip uphill with ease while I start to slow down in about 15 mins. Boy these alps aren't easy to hike!

Russell continues to enjoy carrying stones while Cara stops at every li'l stream/pool to take a sip of fresh water, cool her paws and take a refreshing dip. Soon we arrive at Stutz (a small mountain cabin). Cara and Russell's arrival seem to have perturbed the peace of the cows. One of them stops grazing and starts to chase Cara and then decides to block my path. How do I get past herinnocent. I pass her on the right as she takes a good sniff/lick off my left shoulder. Obviously I'm too boring, so she lets me go by.

We continue treading the uphill cow path and reach Bärfallen (1580m). We stop for a few minutes to enjoy the panoramic views and then continue to Morschfeld. After climbing through some marshy cow paths and crawling under electrified fence-wires (to keep-in cows), I'm happy to see a wide path ahead. As we round a bend, we find a huge crane blocking the path. Obviously they're working on widening the path. Claudia & her babies show me the way past it.

A couple more small uneven uphill paths and we arrive at Brisenhaus (1753m) another Hut from Swiss Alpine Club (SAC).














 The caretaker Sepp has baked fresh Pear pastries. We enjoy it with Apple cider. It's yet another HOT (Heiss) day and we're happy to sit under the umbrella & chill.

After relaxing for an hour, we continue on to Klewanalp. Claudia urges me to practice downhill off the regular trail. It doesn't seem that bad at all.. Just need to cross my fingers (& toes) that i don't tread into a hole hidden by grass.

The magnificent views and the melodious sound of cowbells makes it a li'l easier!

Before we realize it, we're back at Bärfallen and we continue scampering downhill to Stutz and Steinstössi. Much to my delight, the wet muddy downhill tracks have already been dried by the blazing sun in ~3 hours!! Cara and Russell are reluctant to get back inside the camper van. They're happier outdoors.

DANKE SCHÖN Claudia for yet another wonderful HIKE!!

The only thing better than the hike is the refreshing swim afterwards in the lake. The cool waters provide a sharp refreshing contrast to the blazing sun. A momma duck with her ten ducklings swims by. One li'l duckling appears brave and starts swimming in my direction. Soon he spots me & instantly paddles with full speed towards mommy & other siblings!!