Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's Tuesday August 4th. I landed in Zurich airport exactly 4 weeks back. So much has happened in the last month... Such wonderful unique experiences. Visits from family and friends, the wedding preparations...

My reverie is broken by the doorbell. It's the postwoman.. My residence permit is HERE!!

There's also an invitation letter from the beckenried community for a 3 hour cruise on 12th September (offered to all new residents of the year).

I can't believe it -- i pinch myself. Is this really TRUE?? Boy.. things sure are moving at a fast pace.. Now it's time for the next phase of paperwork (Health insurance, Drivers License, bank account!)

Just when i was contemplating being a FAULPELZ..wink

I wake up and am instantly and painfully aware of every single muscle below my waist! This is the hangover from the Hike :)

We laze though the morning - I'm happy to indulge in my pain. Out of the blue, we get something to cheer about.. An email from the immigration office that they've processed my papers and my residence permit is on it's way. WOW!!! Unbelievable.. I'm getting the permit within a week of applying. They had initially mentioned ~4 weeks processing time.

Claudia and Armand join us at home for a li'l celebratory toast and dinner. Lukas makes my favorite Italian dishes: Caprese salad, verdure alla griglia (Grilled veggies) and Risotto ai funghi porcini (mushroom Risotto).

We enjoy the dessert (Blackberry Quark Cream) in the balcony from where Armand & Claudia point me to the surrounding peaks which will be our next hikes. For now i dig into my dessert. Ummmm.. Swiss Rahm (whipped cream) and dairy products are the BEST!!!

This has been One Fine Day!!!


After several late nights in a row, we had decided last night that we'll give more company to Nellie and Skylar (our cats), unpack a few boxes and make the new apartment into our home :)

But of course the Universe had other plans!!!

Read more: August 1st: Swiss National DayTo commemorate Swiss National Day, we enjoy a leisurely breakfast of Wegge (traditional bread), Cheese, Honey, Berry-Jam, Butter and Coffee while watching the sailing regatta on lake Lucerne from our balcony. 

It's been a month now since i quit working and i haven't missed it for a single minute... cool



Read more: August 1st: Swiss National DayWe're invited for dinner at Jürgen and Nicole's home in Seelisberg. Lukas bakes a couple of "Urner Pasteten" (Raisin Pie from his Grandmother's recipe) to take to Jürgen and Kobi's homes.