Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's a cloudy gloomy grey morning. Somedays you just have to create your own sunshine... I decide to take a quiet walk with Mother Nature.. Soon i realize Happiness is the smell of fresh air laden with moisture, the sound of cowbells, the green pastures, drops of dew on the little flowers by the road.. I have no desire to run. Walking simply connects us back with Nature!

After polishing off the remaining half of the sinfully delish apricot pie for breakfast, it's time to pay some bills. As I finally have a bank account in Swiss (yippee!!) I start an international wire transfer only to discover it'll take 7 working days.. Wow that's eternity!

Some appointments take us through Stans in the afternoon and that means another round of Gelati... Slurp! Slurp!!tongue-out

An appointment with the health insurance agent later in the evening. He's italian who loved visiting San Diego couple of years back. He tries to speak in English and me in broken Italian/German/Spanish mix: I now call Itarmish cool

I will soon have health insurance (it's mandatory in Swiss). After all these years of QC paying for my health insurance, it's quite enlightening to know the different options, the deductibles and the amazing premiums to be paid. THANK YOU QC for providing such amazing health insurance. 

Lukas adds me to his Liability Insurance Policy. Next on the list is Personal Property Insurance (to be taken from NW Canton). All these insurance policies are mandatory for Swiss residents.. Oh the price one has to pay for living in Paradise!!

A simple khitchdi on the balcony in the evening as we watch thunderstorms rolling in. Some e-mails and mails from colleagues brings on smiles and it's time for me to write my Blog and then call it "Just another day for me, you & me in Paradise!