Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's been raining all night and now the temperature has dropped down to ~10°C. Who wants to walk to the bus stop on this cold, windy, rainy day?? A movie & coffee sounds more like it.. I can keep day-dreaming, but by 8:10, i find myself walking to the Bus stop all bundled up in rain jacket...foot-in-mouth

Yet another cloudy day, but there's hope.. I spot the Sun (Die Sonne) peeking through the clouds. This seems to be enough to set my faulpelz (lazybones) into motion and I do a bit of Yoga in the morning.. It's been a while and my body seems to be waking out of deep slumber. I can hear the joints clicking into position as i do some simple stretches.. I'm hoping my sore ankle (No idea how it happened.. Perhaps too much running during siestas!) feels better after Yoga -- But NO. My ankle has a mind of its own. Walking down the steps isn't an easy task today. Yet, stubbornly i refuse to take the elevators.

Yet another grey gloomy morgen (Morning).. Boy it feels like Fall already! But I'm excited.. It's my first day at German Course.. I need to leave by 7:45AM.. not much time to laze around in the morning. Almost immediately I decide to skip the morning walk cool Thank Goodness we have Cats instead of Dogs!!

I enjoy yet another faulpelz day on Donnerstag (Thursday). Thanks to Vikram and Anna, we finally get to see our wedding photos. They're now uploaded here.

We meet our friends D&B on the evening walk. They invite us home to meet D's plants: two chilli peppers, 1 bell-pepper, a tomoto, some herbs. D has made garlic/chive salt today and is left out for drying. It smells really yummy. She shows me some other herbal salts that she's made. That's pretty cool.. maybe this is something i could do too!!

I sleep-in late on FreiTag(Friday)cool. Making the most of these last couple of easy days before my German Course starts. I get some more paperwork in the mail before my bank account can be opened. This paperwork really seems to be never ending!!!! Maybe I'd have an easier time seeking asylum here...yell

With goosebumps & tears in my eyes, I watch James Balog's "Chasing Ice" on Netflix in the afternoon. I'm immediately inspired to do my bit to keep my carbon footprint low. I choose to walk to the Postoffice late afternoon & get drenched in torrential rain that appeared out of thin air!!! I have to take the bus back.. (Still better than driving!!)

It's a cold and rainy Samstag (Saturday). The temp seems to have dropped by 15C overnight. We decide it's a good day for cleaning & treatment for the wood floor. This is hard work, we should ask for a reduction in the rent! As we sit back and enjoy the almost Fall day feeling (with fog & low hanging clouds covering the surrounding mountains), i realize that i have been too lazy to update my blog the last couple of days.... And Here I AM...