Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's been raining all night and now the temperature has dropped down to ~10°C. Who wants to walk to the bus stop on this cold, windy, rainy day?? A movie & coffee sounds more like it.. I can keep day-dreaming, but by 8:10, i find myself walking to the Bus stop all bundled up in rain jacket...foot-in-mouth

Nothing much happening on the bus today... I try to decipher the German on the screen. The girl with the green umbrella standing next to the door keeps reaching down to her shoe. My eye can't help follow her hands & i spot ants on her shoes.. Ouch!! That must hurt!! As we pull-into the train station, the bus-driver announces something in German. I understand a couple of words "Vier" (4) and "Luzern". Wonder what he announced. Lots of people at the platform again. This sure seems to be a popular time for backpackers, tourists, students and office goers. (Though most Swiss like to have an early start to their working day 7:30 or 8). A few young African boys talking loudly. Most of the Swiss are very quiet today. Perhaps it's the rain! I think i hear Tamil in the background. I must be mistaken.. i turn in the direction of the sound & can see three men of Indian/Asian origin speaking Tamil. It's already past the train time, but there's no sign of the train. Hmmmm... Guess the rain delays the Swiss too & not just the San Diegans cool

I look closely on the screen... "ca. 4 verspätet" is displayed under the train name. I'm assuming it means 4 mins late.. & not 4 hours! The train arrives exactly 4 mins late and soon I'm on my way to Luzern. I have 5 mins to make it in time to my class. The rain & the sore ankle aren't helping much..

We rehearse the verbs from yesterday and learn a few new ones. Then it's all about numbers.. 0 to a million.. We even play the Swiss Lotto. Ofcourse no one wins the millions!money-mouth

During the break, "Sun-Yin" the Chinese girl tells me she's from a town close to Beijing. We discuss a li'l about Badaling, the Great Wall and the pollution in Beijing. She then tells me that after attending German classes, she now finds English very easy. "Felicitas" - the lady from Tanzania walks over. I practice the 2 words of Swahili i know: "Asante Sana" and "Karibu Sana". It brings a smile on her face..

The Lehrerin (teacher) gives us a lot of homework today. I hobble back to the train station and try to enjoy the rain drops falling  from the sky. It's still very hazy outside..  On the train, i get to practice my first full sentence in German i learnt yesterday. I ask the old lady if the seat next to her is free. She says Yes. I thank her and take a seat next to her.

Most of the afternoon is spent on the homework (Hausaufgabe). The rain has stopped now & i see the best part about the rains.. Waterfalls have magically appeared everywhere on the surrounding mountains..

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0337.JPGLukas points out the pink hue in the sky as the Sun is bidding Adieu. It's true every dark Cloud has a Silver Lining, but sometimes it's colored Pink ... depends on the perspective!!!