Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2015_12_IMG_1850.JPGWe're celebrating Christmas Eve with our friends in Brennwald "literal translation: Burning Forest". Yeah.. No need for a campfire, that should keep us warm naturally cool

The last rays of the Sun are already spreading golden hue over Schwalmis summit as we park. Not too much time to admire the view, we need to get to our campsite before dark. Russell and Cara scamper up the path to lead the way and we follow suit with our backpacks.

As we start to gain altitude the dirt path gives way to snowy and sometimes icy path. We soon arrive at an Alpine Hut. 



A nicely decorated Christbaum (Christmas tree) greets us. With wooden benches, peanuts & chocos for snacks and a fire pit.. this hut is just Perfect for a Christmas Eve in the woods. But Na na na na na.. this ain't our final destination.

What?? Do i have to lug the backpack longer? cry I grab a couple of choco hearts to keep me company for the final uphill.


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We arrive at a clearing surrounded by Beech & Redwood trees. Some dead & dry, others still green & full of life.. the rustling of the leaves under our shoes.. i inhale the different scents of pine, wet earth, moss .. and feel I'm one with the Forest.

Claudia & Armand had already collected some wood the previous evening, but isn't enough to last the whole night. The other three are already at work breaking dead trees, sawing branches.. Even Russell is helping out dragging branches with his teeth. I stop admiring the wonders of the forest & get to collecting the bounty. Cutting wood with a hand saw is sure hard work, but then there's always Beer & Prosecco to cool off with!







b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2015_12_IMG_1877.JPGAs the Sun goes down and the Chill starts to creep in, it's time to light the Fire. Soon the fire is crackling away.... not only providing the warmth but also a stove to cook our dinner in.

Keeping up their tradition from childhood days, Claudia, Armand & Lukas grill their Bratwurst (Sausage) on a stick. I find it very interesting to watch how the legs open & curl up as the sausage gets roasted. I'm happy with my roasted Sweet-potato and vegetable balls.

Glüwein, cookies, chocolate, coffee schnapps, Raclette.. everything tastes more delicious out in the open.. or perhaps I'm too hungry. Why bother? Just enjoy.. & I dig into another bite of the melted cheese..


It's Full Moon tonight... I look up into the sky and the forest is transformed into a cathedral of tree canopies and dancing light. Subzero temps, Full Moon, Full Belly, Great Company, Childhood anecdotes, Chocolate and a crackling Fire nearby.. I could just lay watching the dancing flames for eternity.



