Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's my first Fasnacht in Switzerland and I have volunteered to help at the Buffet counter later in the afternoon. I find out that since it's carnival, all the women need to either wear a carnival costume or a Sport-Union Beckenried (SU) T-Shirt. My problem is that I have none, but that doesn't seem to deter my volunteer spirit.

The president of SU calls me at 10:30AM and says i could borrow either a T-shirt or outfit from her. As I'm walking upto her house, my mind is all made up -- But of-course I'm just getting the SU T-shirt. It's my first time behind a service counter & i don't yet speak the language fully.. so i better look serious in a SU T-shirt. No need for any fancy dress.. Nah.. nah.. Na.. Na.. Na.. Na The President speaks a li'l english. She shows me the T-Shirt & the outfits. We communicate in a mix of Deutsch-English. A red skirt catches my eye.... Ummm.. Perhaps.. WHY NOT??

So what is Fasnacht???

Well, it's a day when the typically serious Swiss let off their armor & indulge in merrymaking & revelry. But Ofcourse, they can't let outsiders like me see it, so they take on a different identity by hiding behind masks.... of all possible fictitious figures and real-life characters. Over 200 carnivals take place throughout Switzerland, and traditionally most last from Dirty Thursday to Ash Wednesday, to indulge in all possible excesses one last time before Lent. In some cantons, the celebrations are predominantly based on the custom of liberating the sun from the oppressive clutches of winter demons, making an almighty noise to hasten the release and wearing masks to drive out evil spirits and the winter with them.

 b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_02_IMG_2080.JPGAs i put on my outfit after Lunch, the cats eye me curiously. It's a Pirate outfit!! They're s'posed to be scared, but they happily walk by me touching me with their tails. Oh-ho.. is it my imagination or do i actually spy a Twinkle in their Eyes?? Lukas adds that a few scars & black teeth might do justice to the outfit, but since i don't have a make-up kit.. i can just scowl, i guess.

The "Umzug" Parade organised by "Beggo-Zunft" starts at 2:15PM. The parade will probably culminate at the Dorfplatz only after 3PM. My reporting time is 2:45PM.. If i stand halfway to the Dorfplatz, it'll only take me about 5 mins to walk up to the Beggo-Zelt. I might be able to catch half of the parade as it makes it's way to the Dorfplatz. Fair enough!!!

The Benevolent Mardi-Gras Gods have blessed us with lovely weather!! It's a bright clear afternoon as we step outside. Loud music, beating of drums.. American Indians; Chickens; The British Royal Guards; Cabbage Woman; Pizza Woman; Witches; Clowns and the Walking Dead have all gathered here to watch this Parade.

This paints a very different picture of the Swiss... I capture a few images with my cell as we make our way to our planned sunny spot.

Beggomutter holding the banner leads the Umzug. Followed by the local band "Beggo-Schränzer" all with Red Hair. Their motto this year is 40 Year Red Hair?? Don't expect an explanation here as i didn't get one myself.. The parade continues with a couple of different Drum bands, then it's the Kindergarten kids.. They're depicting "Stau am Gottard" (Traffic through Gottard Tunnel!). As i take the picture of one of the Royals from "Stans", he takes mine as well.. Then there are the Evil characters straight out of "Lord of the Rings".. As i focus on them, one of them comes running towards me & twists my cap... Ouch.. that's the end of one scary-picture. Soon it's 2:40PM and i reluctantly make my way to the Beggo-Zelt. 


Traditional Volkmusic is being played in the Zelt as i enter. All the girls "servers & helpers" are dressed in carnival outfits. I'm supposed to help Marlene make Hot Coffees and Teas.. I take a quick picture, before i get my head buried under the drinks.

I soon find that ‘kaffee-crème’ and ‘kaffee-nature’ are the only ones sans alcohol.. Hmmm.. I learn about the corrected (Ahem!) Kaffees - Chrüter (Herb Liquor), -Zwetschgen (Prune Liquor), -Träsch (Apple-Pear Liquor)

and Teas - Holdrio (Rosehip tea + Zwetschgen), Pfefferminz-Zwetschgen, Häxler (Vodka + Peppermint). During a break, i take a sip of the Häxler Tea and instantly fall in love with it!!!

We arrange the glasses and prepare them in rows with different liquors and two-cubes of sugar. That's the usual, but some guests will ask for no sugar or one and those with a sweeter tooth with upto three cubes.. 

The Zelt is soon full & the servers come in with a constant request for the drinks.. Once in a while, there's also a request for a meter-version "a wooden log with holes to accommodate ~ dozen glasses". Before long, it's extremely hectic & we have no time to look around. Hours pass by amidst the constant stream of Tea, Coffee and loud music. I'm amused to notice that my engineer brain tries to make the process most efficient by organising sugars, liquors, stirrers, glasses in their optimum places.. Then a voice inside thankfully reminds.. "Just enjoy"

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My friends C&A stop by to get Coffee Träsch.. i proudly make it for them. A few other acquaintances are surprised to find me behind the counter. Before we know it, its 8:45PM.. and the second shift of volunteers begin to trickle in. We show them the stations and how we've organised the different drinks. In 15 minutes our shift ends. We gather at a table to enjoy our team dinner and a complimentary meter-long Häxler Tea. Music, dancing & revelry continues all around. Suddenly the lights are turned off.. The Percussionists with lights on their mallets come-in & put on quite an amazing show.

After dinner, I bid my new found friends "Gute Nacht" and join Lukas & a couple of other friends. As we walk back home, I reflect on the day's events: the parade, the drinks, the joy of being a part of a team after a long time.. At the same time I can't wait to put my feet up.. Not used to standing around in my boots for 8 hours. Suddenly I have greater respect for all the waiters & waitresses of the world!!























