Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

With the sun becoming more of a regular fixture in the sky, cinema under the "Starry-Starry-Night" sky offers a tempting option to stay outdoors on these long, warm (or not-so warm) nights, especially if it comes with a view of the lake and the mountains.

I load my folding chair into the trunk & armed with a woolen blanket, I start driving to pick up Vreni. A typical Swiss, she is happy to see me arrive 5 mins early. One of things I've had to adjust to in Swiss is their punctuality, or dare I say - overly punctual. The typical Swiss will ring your doorbell 15 minutes before the expected arrival time.. So you'd better be ready to greet the visitor with a Smile, even though you may be adding the final touches to your dishes -- i usually arrive at the door with fresh coriander pieces stuck in my hands and with the smell of Tadka in my hair! 

We drive on to pick up Martha & then Antonia. The ladies are happy to be driven in my car and as they talk excitedly about it's interiors in Swiss-Deutsch, i must admit that i beam inwardly... Ahhh.. My car -- my precious white Snowflake!

Read more: Movie(ing) with a view: July 8thAfter getting my arm-band, i walk to the grassy beach of Buochs. The weather is lovely and scenic lake is sparkling in the evening sun. People lay on reclining chairs, beanie-bags and sleeping bags and are enjoying ice-cream, popcorn, some reading newspapers.. It has a lazy-easy feel - just like Summer evenings are supposed to be. We setup our chairs in the third row and walk over to grab a bite from the food stalls. After strolling by a bunch of grilled meat sections, I converge on the veggie option @ "African Taste". It comes with a fried banana. uhmmmm.. That was pure delish!! tongue-out 

Today, exactly a year ago, i arrived in Switzerland... I reflect on the year gone by.. Seems like just yesterday I was bidding goodbye to my cousins and my life in US and boarding the plane to Zurich..

Been quite a year -- made many new First experiences -- I have been blessed with a lot of Love from Lukas, Nellie-Skylar, Claudia-Armand, Walti-Bettina and many other old & new friends. It's been a year of unlearning the US to learning the Swiss way of Life.. from language to metrics to traffic to weather to food to simply letting go & just Being.

I can now carry on conversations in Hoch-Deutsch with even perfect strangers, read German books, watch Merkel deliver a speech to EU and understand most of it! My friends tell me I should be proud of my German, but me.. i think i know myself far better to take a breather.

A lot of fun & laughter, wow & humbling moments, some tears, some fears, some adjustments... But all in all a fun ride!! 

And now it's time to hang out with Lukas beside the Lake, with a drink in hand and Enjoy Us in this Paradise!!

Read more: Celebrating my First Year in Swiss: July 7th


I pedal leisurely along the lake. Biking has always imparted a sense of freedom.. unrestricted views to delight the eyes.. the feel of the breeze on the face.. My mind wanders back to my bike trips in San Diego.. gliding along Route 56 bike path to Torrey-Pines beach, panting & puffing my way uphill & then the refreshing downhill.. And then one day, my bike was stolen, from a Garage in a gated community. Guess someone needed it more than i did. I laugh out loud, reminiscing about the policeman who was more interested in my apartment & how much rent I pay than in making a report.. 

Anyways, a little climb on leaving the end of village beach, brings me back to NOW.. here i am feeling the freedom again thanks to Claudia. My first time biking in Switzerland.. I must buy a bike soon. What am i waiting for anyways?? Gently undulating countryside gets my legs moving, a nice gentle downhill to the gravel harvesting company and then a seriously sweaty stretch to the summit (My summit is where the Pillars of the Autobahn meet this pedestrian only road) with a thumping heart & heavy legs.. and then the downhill Bliss... Ahh the uphill sweat was sure worth it.

At the end of the downhill, Rudolf Blättler's bronze sculpture "Ubinas" stands in a meadow. In the 1970s, this was home to hundreds of migrant workers who helped build the Seelisberg Tunnel. Post construction, it was converted to a beach with a grassy meadow and a small restaurant. 

Read more: Exploring

As a contrast to the gigantic viaduct, Blättler's work symbolises the human-spiritual values. Like its namesake "Ubinas", this statue too pushes forth from the depths of Earth, with hollow eyes looking inward and outward, perhaps in search of the profound mysteries of existence.  

Still pretty early in the morning for the throngs of swimmers, so i have the place all to myself.. to ponder over the meaning of "Ubinas" (Literal translation from Latin - place of origin of life) and from whence to whither it takes us..


As i make my way to the Beckenried Strandbad (Beach) with sunglasses, hat and flip-flops, I'm reminded of the July 4th weekends in San Diego. It would be next to impossible to find a spot on the sandy beach of Torrey Pines... Umbrellas, Gazebos and elaborate Grills dotted the beach from early morning. RVs, SUVs and cars taking up all available parking spots..

Pretty similar scene here, though on a much smaller scale. We have a tiny beach, not too many auto parking spots, but a lot more bike stands (Ahem!).. and they're all taken. Seems like all of Beckenried is here. Little umbrellas line the grassy beach, paddle boarders and swimmers are enjoying the warm waters and Sunshine.

Read more: July 4th @ Beckenried BeachIt's the annual Grill event for the Sport Union. About 50-60 women have gathered to bask in the Sunshine and also to have one last get together, before the Summer Break. No more events, sports or activities for the next two months. I talk in Hoch Deutsch (High-German) to the ladies at the table over a glass of "Moscato d'Asti" about this and that.. Conversation in German flows easily after the Moscato.. perhaps i should get another glass.. but better sense prevails and i decide to wait until after dinner. 

Dinner -- what can a veggie girl expect to find in a hardcore meat eating village's teeny li'l restaurant hosting a Grilling event??? But whoa.. it's my lucky day -- I dig into the veggie SpringRolls and Salad.. Ummm. Not bad!!