Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After what seemed like an eternal spell of grey overcast skies, the Sun shines through.. Yippee!!! Time to step out and bask in the Sunshine coolcool

Brrr.. despite the welcome warmth of the Sunshine, the wind still feels Cooool -- reminds me of Dicken's "One of those days when it's Summer in the Light and Winter in the Shade" 

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2016_02_IMG_2191.JPGWe stop at the benches by the lake..

Clear Blue Sky, Sun, Blue-Blue waters of the placid Lake reflecting the idyllic mountain landscape, Sea Gulls & Ducks, Shadows on the Green Grass mimicking Rigi (the mountain facing us!)

The sound of the gentle waves lapping against the rocks and

..... Silence........

 Suddenly Cell -> Picture -> txt msgs -> Aaiiiii Yaaaiiii Yaaaaiiii Yaaaaiiiiii Yaaaaiiiiiii.

 Goodbye Silence, Hello Brain Chatter..

