Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Bindis, Bangles, Spices and Smiles with the Obwaldner Girls -- Sep 02' 2017Taste of India with the "Spice Girls" from Obwalden..


Read more: Meanwhile @ Haus Unterrüti -- July and AugustBefore this House can become a Home..

A lot needs to be done, not just some

But first and foremost

Must be gone, the clutter from the Past

To open up the Space,

so the New can take its Place..


25 Adults, 5 Happy Kids, 2 cute Dogs, enjoying Tizi's 50th Birthday on a Sunny Sunday afternoon...

1 Swing, 1 Proud Grandmother, 5 Kids

Clowns and Kids.. tinkering around

Cakes and Snacks being gulped down

Lazy afternoon Siestas... some next to Dogs, some on Dogs.. tongue-out

It never ceases to touch me deep down to see Lukas's Brother's Family -- Their Love, Respect and Joy spanning across the three generations is contagious.

A Family that Laughs together stays Forever -- Stay Blessed Alex and Tizi!!

Read more: On an Indian Spice Trail -- July 01' 2017Since my Soul-sista Andrea can't take her team to India for their team outing, she is bringing them over for a North Indian Treat... All preparations are done and i excitedly await the arrival of about 12 Crazy-Nutty Girls who love India. Among them Miss Switzerland 2003 - Bianca Sissing who's now into Animals, Vegetarian Food and Yoga!

We snack on Besan Cheelas and sip Jal-Jeera as we go over the Indian Traditions, Ayurveda, Spice Trail, Recipes... There are a lot of questions about nutrition, meditation, yoga et.al.. But the questions that top the charts is "What is the Traditional way of enjoying Alcohol in India?"innocent And how does one say "Bon Appétit" in Hindi..  Pretty appropriate questions I'd say!!

Enough talking.. Time for Action.. we have a Menu to cook up: "Punjabi Chole, Achari Baigan, Jeera Rice and Raita".