Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Well.. let me correct that.

Branches + hours and hours of heavyduty-manual-labor + Time = Firewood

The last of the Snow has melted for about a week now, so it's a good time to get the cleanup work started on the branches from our fallen trees. As someone said "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."

For the ignoramus amongst us (including me), here's how to --

  1. Pick-up a branch, Sickle away all the leaves and other limbs, Stack -- Repeat till all branches are clean.
  2. Stack bunches of clean branches on "Sawbuck Stand" (A frame for holding rough wood to be sawed into lengths suitable for use in a fireplace) -- watch while your husband uses his Motorsaw to cut them to 1m long pieces-- Load cut logs on a wheel barrow.
  3. Roll wheel barrow to the Wood Stack -- Unload -- Stack logs onto the Stack.
  4. Repeat Steps 2,3 above till all logs are stacked.
  5. Cover the Stack with a Tarp. Secure Tarp. 
  6. Collect smaller lengths from step 2 above -- Carry up the steps to the entrance -- Make another stack of "Starter firewood" -- Repeat.

Simple, ain't it?? As a bonus, at the end, you get nice muscles to show off !! cool Any takers???

But wait, we're not quite there yet.. It takes about 1.5 to 2 years for the wood to dry.. Now all you have to is Wait for Nature to do its magic..Patience, Patience and more Patience innocent







