Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It’s early morning, when the magic at Haus Unterrüti begins..

Amidst the chirping of birds, sometimes Deers come a grazing --

.. and if one is quiet enough, one can enjoy their presence -- nibbling on the grass, looking around, nibbling some more, springing playfully, walking to the next patch -- just being themselves!


Read more: The Deers come grazing -- July 22 Read more: The Deers come grazing -- July 22


3 Days, 2 Humans, 1 Mini Excavator, 2 Dry Stone Walls, a Supervising Cat -- and from a sloping meadow the first signs of what will be our backyard terrace start to emerge.

The artistic mason in Lukas creates the stone wall from the stones that we find underneath the slope.

Nellie -- always happy to lend us her supervising eye and suggestions is around -- smelling here -- jumping over the twine there -- making sure that the ground is sloping in the right direction.

The curve of the stone steps leading upto the small terrace happens just like that -- we didn't really plan it, but it fits in beautifully - like it was always there! And it makes us Happy.

There's a long way to go, before we can sit down and really enjoy the terrace. Won't happen until spring next year -- But for now, we're happy -- I'll take a flat backyard instead of a slope any day!!

Time to put the feet up for now cool


Green green grass full of delicious and rich herbs is calling out to the cows as they wait behind the fence -- a tad bit impatiently. The first rays of the Sun start to radiate from behind the Mythen.. and the joy of the cows knows no bounds as they're let out into the green meadow. They run and jump with gay abandon, their bells chiming wildly -- each finding their own corner of luscious green green grass.

And for us humans -- it's always a blessing to witness animals being themselves in Nature!!

THANK YOU Universe!!! 


Read more: Morning Joy -- July 03' 2018 Read more: Morning Joy -- July 03' 2018


At the southern end of Seelisberg, amidst a meadow stands this picturesque little castle on the "Weg der Schweiz" (Swiss Path - the old mule track between Lucerne, Seelisberg and Altdorf) 

Schloss Beroldingen was built ~ 1500 and is the ancestral seat of the Beroldinger family, which for decades played a leading role in the valley of Uri and beyond. The castle is not a fortress but rather a lovely country Manor offering glorious views of Lake Uri and the Reuss Valley. 

Today it's the colourful cats and flowers that are ruling this little castle-chapel.. thanks to an exhibition of a local artist.. I pause for a few quiet moments in the tiny remarkable chapel (Built in 1545, dedicated to St. Laurence) before heading back home..


Read more: Castle - Chapel  -- June 28

Read more: Castle - Chapel  -- June 28

Read more: Castle - Chapel  -- June 28