Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Day Tripping in Milan -- April 29In the excellent company of "Asterix and Obelix" we arrive in Milan by train..

Duomo di Milano - after standing in a long line finally witnessing the majestic sunlight seeping in through the stained glass windows - mysterious and enlightening, the high pillars, statues..

Window shopping & slurping on gelato in Grand Galleria Vittorio Emanuele..

The Italian Lunch - a tad-bit overhyped -- Lukas makes better Risotto any day.. 

Chiesa Santa Maria del Carmine - a hidden gem offering peace in a very busy and fashionable city of Milan..

The immense brick wall lined with battlements and central tower of 15th century Castello Sforzesco..

To create the colors of Spring in the Swiss Meadows (Since Spring hasn't arrived yet!) .. Golden Sun, Green Grass and Yellow-Orange Blooms...

Read more: Saree'ing -- April 28 Read more: Saree'ing -- April 28


Read more: What?? Pizza from Polenta? -- April 26We have some leftover Polenta and Ratatouille from Lunch, but it's not enough... Hmmm.. what can we do?

Lukas comes up with a Eureka Moment and Presto... with a bit of flour, cheese, love and some efforts.. the leftovers from Lunch are converted to Veggie-Pizza a la Lukas!!

Yumm -- Yumm, can't wait to dig-in cool


3 Days, 2 Humans, a couple of Tools - Shovels, Rakes, Shears -- and from a 9m2 weed overgrown patch of land, the first signs of what will be our vegetable garden bed start to emerge.

Hours of weeding, digging, raking, composting and it starts to resemble at least a clean bed of earth.

There's a long way to go, before we can actually begin sowing seeds. For starters, we have to find a way to prevent the omnipresent snails from camping in here. They would love to dine out in our garden instead of the acres of meadows all around..