Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Innsbruck Stroll  -- June 12So what does one do when a connection is missed? Instead of hanging out at the Bahnhof, i decide to check out Innsbruck Altstadt (Old Town).

A few minutes and amidst the hustle and bustle of the city --

I stumble upon a quiet oasis --

a Fountain, a statue of Rudolph IV, some cool gargoyles, a few benches --

Perfect place to sit and enjoy a gelato --

How sweet it is to wait for the next connection back home to Switzerland!!


Read more: Innsbruck Stroll  -- June 12

Read more: Innsbruck Stroll  -- June 12

Read more: Innsbruck Stroll  -- June 12


Read more: Sprout full of Joy -- June 09Early Morning --

I take a peek into the garden..

where about a fortnight ago,

with much love, i gave seeds to the care of Mother Earth...

And lo and behold.. 

tiny seedlings are bursting with life and energy!!

Through the soil, these little green shoots are poking,

Sending my heart a soaring...


Read more: Sportfest in Häggenschwil -- June 08This year the Swiss Sport Festival of Sport Union Switzerland takes place from 7-9 June in Häggenschwil in the canton of St. Gallen. On the first day "Bewegungsfest" (Movement Fest) is on the program. I ride with ~25 women from SU Beckenried in a bus to Häggenschwil. After registration, and enjoying a coffee and croissant snack, we are ready for the trail hike @ 10:00 AM.  With Lake Constance always in view, we stroll comfortably by churches, horse riders, over the Ruggisberg to the imposing Mammertshofen Castle. Accompanied by interesting stories from the region, we head to the Roggwil Castle, where after 2 hours the Hike officially ends.

I must've walked in Tannwald hundreds of time, but some views always bring on a smile...


Read more: This view -- June 05

Read more: This view -- June 05

Read more: This view -- June 05