Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Our Backyard gets Real -- June 223 Days, 2 Humans,

1 Caterpillar Track Transporter, 2 Shovels, A few wooden & aluminium beams, 1 spirit level,

2 Tons of Natural Stones, 4 Tons of Gravel, a drainage Mat,

A lot of hard physical labor,

A bit of mind work - putting the Stone puzzle together,

-- and finally our backyard gets a Makeover --

An oasis to relax and enjoy the peace & quiet...

And so it was last year.. 

The journey in a few pictures..

Though the Rain Gods decide to play spoilsport, it doesn't thwart the enthusiasm of the folklore who want to keep the traditional dancing custom alive.

Armed with big smiles and donning colourful costumes "Trachtälyt vo Seelisbärg" (literally means the Seelisberg people who wear traditional costumes) of all age groups including 22 children, take to the stage and dazzle the audience with their dance moves playing to the traditional folk music.

Looking around at the packed audience, I'm fascinated by how Tradition - be it Costume, Dance or Music connect young and old. And as always -- there's delicious Cakes to be bought and enjoyed at these festivities, baked by the local women -- when they're not busy dancing around in their fancy Costumes..

Maybe next year, I'll show up in a Saree -- Why not? kiss


Read more: Traditional Costume Dance lives on -- June 20

Read more: Traditional Costume Dance lives on -- June 20

Read more: Traditional Costume Dance lives on -- June 20


Read more: Fiery peaks -- June 18The Sun starts to bid Adieu

and out of the Grey and Blue

A red glint appears on the peak nearby,

and suddenly the entire cliff turns to Ruby...


2 birds - collecting moss, twigs and straw

carrying it in beak and claw

toiling hard to build a nest

where their 3 eggs shall rest

tending to them with love and care

are the mama-papa birdie pair

we can't wait to hear the nestlings cheep

thankfully the cats are fast asleep!!!


Read more: Hush, Life is about to come by -- June 14 Read more: Hush, Life is about to come by -- June 14