Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Salzburg -- Mar 28-29 # Leaving early morning & driving some 560 km to Salzburg

# Getting some really bad news from the 70 year old Dentist

# Strolling through the city of Mozart

# Enjoying Mango gelato @ Tiziana's Cafe

# Relishing finger-licking-delish cakes @ Cafe Fingerlos

Read more: Spring's in the air -- Mar 26The yellow daffodils and blue-orange-pink pansies announce the arrival of Spring --

All around Nature is bursting with Life --

One wakes up joyfully to the melodious bird-chirp concert as they collect twigs for their Nests --

Bees are happily humming and buzzing around the blooms, collecting precious nectar --

With such bounty, it's no wonder that suddenly a cute-little Gnome pair appears magically to protect the garden all it's blessings -- blooms, insects, birds, worms et.al..


From the scenic viewpoint at the village, there's a dozen shades of Blue in the Sky, Lake & Mountains.. they're not warm, these are the cold shades of Blue - reflecting the subzero temperatures.. Not much snow is left, but it's still cold...

Nevertheless a 3Km hike unto the village and back is always good to warmup the body and keep the winter Blues at Bay!!


Read more: Dozen shades of Blue -- Mar 16 Read more: Dozen shades of Blue -- Mar 16


Read more: Sledding Seriously -- Mar 09For most people sledding is a leisurely activity, you hike up a hill with your little plastic or wooden sled, cruise down and then do it all over again. But these Swiss do it a little differently, especially when the traditional Horn Sled Race "Hornschlitten-Rennen" comes around. Traditionally, "horn sleds" were used by farmers to transport hay and wood from higher elevations to the main farm in the valley, Today, horn sled races are held just for fun and attract numerous participants and spectators throughout Switzerland. 


Every winter, the snowy slopes of Klewenalp provide a picturesque backdrop to a traditional & fun-filled activity: the horn sled races. Today is the 23rd annual Horn Sled Race on Klewenalp. Even though the weather conditions are less than optimal, we decide to go, since I haven't seen one yet, and would like to add it to my bucket-list of traditional swiss events.