Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

3 Days, 2 Humans, a couple of Tools - Shovels, Rakes, Shears -- and from a 9m2 weed overgrown patch of land, the first signs of what will be our vegetable garden bed start to emerge.

Hours of weeding, digging, raking, composting and it starts to resemble at least a clean bed of earth.

There's a long way to go, before we can actually begin sowing seeds. For starters, we have to find a way to prevent the omnipresent snails from camping in here. They would love to dine out in our garden instead of the acres of meadows all around..

So after a lot of research, we narrow down on metallic snail fences - the 45 degree angle prevents the snails from climbing in. With the fence all around it, the patch actually does start to look like a veggie-bed waiting nourish the metamorphosis of seeds into tiny seedlings and then plants, ultimately bearing fruits or veggies.

But wait -- there’s one last detail - the Weather. Gotta pray to the Weather Gods that Snow won’t come playing spoil-sport again. Even if the sun already has a lot of strength and is tempting us to start planting, it can still get frosty until Eisheilige (Ice saints) in mid-May. The ice saints, also called "strict gentlemen", are an important point in the farmers calendar because they mark the date til when frost can still occur even in the growing season. At night, the temperatures cool down sharply, which damages the young plants considerably.

But for now, we're happy -- we have a veggie garden to experiment with. My very first!! cool


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