Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Open Air Magic -- June 28Sunset -- Peaks turning golden..

Waters of the lake reflecting the hue..

A walk along the beach..

A group selfie..

Some deep talks..

Putting my feet up..

Watching the drama unfold -- both on the man-blown screen and that of Nature - Priceless!!


This June is hot -- so hot that it's not easy to be out in the Sun during the day. Although the temperatures have not crossed 30C, the Sun here is strong -- it burns. However, when it's time for the Sport Union annual championship, it takes place -- no matter the weather.

So this year, in the midst of the heat-wave week -- we're out in the late afternoon Sun -- a group of young and not so young women -- in groups of four -- trying to master the various games as quickly as possible. Be it with the kitchen towel, the tights over the head, or the double game ... there's fierce fighting.

Despite the heat from the Sun & the competitive spirit, there's a lot of laughter and great camaraderie... especially after the games are finished and we sit cozily around the table for coffee and cake.

And last but not least -- the winners are announced and to my utter surprise -- I finish 3rd out of a group of 24 women. Well here, everyone who participates receives a small prize.

BRAVO to everyone, great job and a BIG thank you to the organisers for a fun evening..

Serene Sunrise inspires a walk..

Read more: # Sunrise -- June 25 Read more: # Sunrise -- June 25


Read more: A bouquet of wild flowers -- June 24Magnificent, Majestic and utterly Marvellous

These Pink Spires arising out of the varied hues of green

last year, we were wondering what these strange spinach looking plants are

they appeared out of nowhere on our path, everywhere

Now we know -- it's Monkshood or Aconitum

This vivid beauty comes with a price -- it's also Poisonous!

One needs to admire it from a distance, not get up close and Personal!