Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2019_04_IMG_7416.jpgSo what do you do when the taste of Thai comes knocking on your door.

Looks like since the snow is keeping me away from my walks, I'm having lots of cravings...

I decide on a Thai green curry with homemade curry paste -- it's spicy and zingy, wholesome and hearty -- what's not to love?

Guess the effort that goes into making the paste from scratch!! frown


There's a couple of reasons i decide to make my own paste: The first reason being, it's hard to find a veggie green curry paste. Thai concept of vegetarianism is slightly different from mine -- it invariably includes fish eggs or fish sauce. The second reason to make homemade curry paste is because you just can't get the same intense, fresh flavour in a jar.

Making the curry paste is actually pretty straight forward – just plonk all the ingredients into your blender and blitz until smooth. The part that takes the longest is gathering the ingredients – though it you’ve got an Asian grocery store nearby, it will be a breeze! Mine is ~40km away, so it's not always that i have all the ingredients handy, but i've learnt to adapt.

45 minutes of chopping, peeling, blending, sautéing, simmering and soon the "Thai Green Curry" starts to make its appearance in the Wok. The color & the aromas wafting around are too tempting... so a spoonful soon finds its way into my mouth -- The flavours and the taste -- bang on!! The spiciness of the green chilies, perfectly tamed by the delicate sweetness of the coconut milk, and balanced by the combination of citrusy, umami and salty flavors.

Healthy goodness in a Wok... tongue-out