Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Happy Birthday Thomas -- May 18A rural Swiss simple Dude..

becomes a fan of Indian Food!

On his Birthday, he wants to celebrate

with Idli-Sambhar and Chutneys on his plate.

I'm happy to cook & fulfil his Main Course wish,

While Lukas conjures up the best Pineapple Cake to Finish tongue-out


A Heart of Joy, Knows How to Fly... 

Read more: A Heart of Joy -- May 14


Read more: Sourdough bread - a la Lukas -- May 08The Artisan Bread journey begins with just THREE ingredients -- Flour, water and salt..

They come together for the wild yeast starter

That's the easy part.. now for the steps involved in long yet worthy journey into the world of naturally fermented bread baking..

Read more: May Day Walk -- May 01' 2019Celebrating the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice! Yeah just 6 more weeks till it's officially Summer.. Can hardly wait to go swimming in the lake again.

May Day is rooted in agriculture... in the swiss Alps, it's almost time to start sowing the seeds outside. I wait for the Eisheilige (mid May).. meanwhile it's a great time to walk & enjoy the woods & the birds...