Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Sleepy Morning -- July 27

Read more: Sleepy Morning -- July 27

Read more: Sleepy Morning -- July 27


Read more: Our First Harvest -- July 21is all Green.. and not just the color I mean,

these veggies are grown all Eco & Green.

Organic Compost, Pure Water and Sunshine,

some melodious cow-bells and bird songs - oh so Divine!

A tad bit of love and some efforts during the day,

to keep during the night, the snails at bay.

To pick these fruits and veggies is such a Joy -

Straight from Garden, to Pot, to Plate -- Enjoy tongue-out


Read more: Nature's Bouquet -- July 20 Read more: Nature's Bouquet -- July 20


Read more: A couple of Firsts -- July 1822 years abroad and I've finally had my first Burger, Fries and Coke @ Mc Donalds, albeit a veggie one.. so not sure it counts.. Nevertheless a First!!!

This visit owes its Thanks to the Circus-Knie celebrating its “100 years of the Swiss National Circus". Because I haven't yet been to a Swiss Circus, and "Giacobbo & Müller" - the satirical comic duo is making an appearance this year, we decide to go.

I don my "Ms. efficiency" Avatar, and put together a list of errands that we could accomplish since we're out and about in Luzern. After an entire day of running around, we make it to the Circus almost starving and decide to grab a bite @ a nearby Mc Donalds.. I've had better French Fries, though I have to admit that the Veggie Burger was not bad. But of course, I wouldn't want it on a regular basis.. perhaps the next one in another 22 years???

If I live that long that is.. As a child, i always thought 30 was old enough to experience Life.