Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Read more: Joys of a Garden -- Aug 03


Nature's Gifts - in Sky and in front of me...

Read more: Colors -- Aug 02


Volunteering early morning @ the Cake Stand in Beckenried - eyeing the cakes more than Selling,

Early evening celebrations @ Seelisberg Village - the cold wind and rain not hindering the spirit of Flag Throwing, 

Alphorn and Trumpet Concerts, dancers - young and old - in their Tracht (Traditional Costume) proudly Smiling,

uh-oh -- only 2-3 lines of the Swiss National Anthem have i been singing, 

And with the Fireworks atop the Lake, is the Swiss National Day finally Culminating..


Read more: Cakes, Flags and Fireworks -- Aug 01' 2019 Read more: Cakes, Flags and Fireworks -- Aug 01' 2019


Read more: Austrian Weekend -- July 27-30Hikes along gorges, river beds and lakes,

deep conversations, moments to reflect,

Old stories - remembered with a smile,

Card & board games to entertain for a while.

Cakes and gelatos for the Soul

oh my, i can lick the Bowl!!