Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After yet another yummy breakfast at Nidwaldnerhof with Ruth and Terry, we bid them a sad goodbye and promises to see each other soon: in Switzerland, London or San Francisco..

Next stop: "Amt für Migration" in Stans to submit paperwork for my residence permit. With a beating heart, we wait for our turn. Lukas has already checked the documents yesterday. We're called and the same kind lady, who had told us in April that the correct way would be to apply for the permit in New York greets us. She checks all our paperwork while conversing in a friendly manner. This is such a sharp contrast to the stern immigration officials in the US.

She takes all our papers and disappears inside. After a few tense minutes, she appears again and says everything is in order and I need to go downstairs for fingerprinting & picture. cool. She also says that the permit should take about 4 weeks.

After picture & fingerprinting, we're on our way home with a joyful heart.. the most difficult part of settling down in Switzerland has been done!!