Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

After several late nights in a row, we had decided last night that we'll give more company to Nellie and Skylar (our cats), unpack a few boxes and make the new apartment into our home :)

But of course the Universe had other plans!!!

We wake up to find a text from Armand inviting us to a Hiking Day in the Uri Alps. They're leaving at 8:30AM from Dorfplatz... It's already 7:45AM.. We frantically search for our hiking clothes, backpack, hiking shoes (Thankfully no flip-flops for Lukas this time), water bottle (can't find my water reservoir), snacks and drive to the village to pick up sandwiches for lunch. Claudia and Armand are driving with their dogs Russell and Cara in their camping Van, so we will be driving separately. We start driving towards the famous Gotthard Tunnel. It's quite an experience to be the only 2 swiss cars on the highway. Almost all other cars are from France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany and one from Spain too. After all it's the vacation season in Europe and this is the highway to South Swiss and Italy..

After about 45 mins, just before Gotthard tunnel, we take the exit to the tranquil town of Göschenen - gateway to the Schöllenen Gorge. We drive up along Göschenen Valley, reaching Göscheneralpsee (lake). We park our cars and stop for a Coffee/tea before we begin the hike. The air is crisp - Sun is finally beginning to peek through the grey cloud veil. I soak in the majesty of this pristine nature paradise. It's a hiker's mountain idyll: granite walls, Alpine bogs, tranquility and untouched nature. Hiking trails wind around the lake and into the mountains. There are five mountain huts operated by the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), overlooking the Sustenhorn, Dammastock and glacier fields. We're taking the white/red/white hiking trail to Bergseehütte today. The trail should take about 2 hours with ~2000 ft (600m) elevation gain.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0266.JPG We begin our hike. I find myself as light and happy as a butterfly.. ummm.. the fresh air... As if tossed there by a careless giant, granite boulders litter the area, interspersed with Alpine flora, such as Alpine roses and wild blueberries. We stop to pluck & enjoy some wild blueberries. Russell keeps the energy flowing in the group by running back and forth amidst us. 


b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0223.JPGAs we approach the halfway mark, i begin to realize how out of shape & rusty I am. The altitude also starts to show it's mark on me. I can feel my heart racing and a pounding in my head. We decide to stop for a quick snack break on the boulders.

We continue uphill and though the path is easy, i find it difficult to keep up with the other three. Boy, i need to get back in shape!!! After a few minutes thankfully Lukas offers to take my backpack.





About 15 mins from the hut, we take a small detour to a wooden cross and stop to take a few pictures, admire the scenery and wait for the clouds to clear the granite face ahead. Soon the clouds clear and we're able to spot climbers on the granite face making their way to the peak. The 15 min rest acclimatizes me a bit more and I'm able to make it to the hut easily. yeah.. we're at 7775 ft (2370m) above sealevel. The last time i was at this altitude or higher was 2 years ago in Peru. 



Needless to say the views are breathtaking.. I try to make a panorama from the balcony as we wait for our coffee/beer/hot-chocolate. The glacial water from the fountain tastes cold & delicious and instantly life-infusing. I wolf down my cheese sandwich and hot chocolate. After an hour of chatting & snacking, we decide to walk around the little lake below. But to get to the lake Armand decides to walk down the boulder path -- a good experience for me to get over my downhill trauma. After a few tense minutes & shaky knees/thighs we arrive at the lake.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_rock_ref.JPGI can touch the silence at the lake. I enjoy a few moments of peace watching the still waters of the lake and the reflections of the stone pyramids. We continue our boulder jump tour around the lake. 




b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_me_lake.JPGb_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_C_A.JPGArmand jumps over BIG boulders with ease like a monkey.. he makes it look so easy. I need to trust my shoes more. We pass a hiker with a fishing line. He's caught one trout so far today. With shaky legs i manage to complete the parikrama around the lake and reach the hut. After refilling the water bottle, we're ready to head back.



b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_dreaded_trail.JPGMuch to my chagrin, Armand has chosen the White/Blue/White technical alpine route back. Perfect training ground for my downhill trauma. OMG -- do I have to face all my fears in one day?? The altitude compounded by boulder jumping has my pulse racing, knees/thighs shaking and blood pounding in my head already! Can i do it?? Claudia/Lukas offer to walk back to the hut & take the White/Red/White trail back. But sometimes i can be stubborn and decide to continue on. It's a steep downhill which requires rope at one place. Armand helps me navigate that section & i could have almost cried. Claudia, Lukas and Armand continue to offer me tips on breathing/posture. I'm really missing my hiking poles, but they tell me that they would actually be a hindrance.




b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_us_smiles.JPGAfter what seems to be eternity, but in reality just 30 mins we merge with the White/red/White hiking trail and the smile returns on my face again laughing


b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_Dinner.JPGThe butterfly albeit with shaky legs is happy to flutter downhill to the car park and restaurant. I Thank Claudia and Armand for a lovely but tough hike.

As i enjoy my Rösti and Rivella, i reflect on the day, the gorgeous views, confronting my fears and yes a small sense of achievement for not giving up!