Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0196.JPGTo commemorate Swiss National Day, we enjoy a leisurely breakfast of Wegge (traditional bread), Cheese, Honey, Berry-Jam, Butter and Coffee while watching the sailing regatta on lake Lucerne from our balcony. 

It's been a month now since i quit working and i haven't missed it for a single minute... cool



b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0203.JPGWe're invited for dinner at Jürgen and Nicole's home in Seelisberg. Lukas bakes a couple of "Urner Pasteten" (Raisin Pie from his Grandmother's recipe) to take to Jürgen and Kobi's homes.

I had been hoping that we'd stop for a small walk on our favorite "Angel trail" in Seelisberg on the way to Jürgen's home, but it's already 2:30PM and time for us to leave. Time sure flies when you're doing Nothing :) 

Lukas begins to teach me the Swiss national anthem on the way to Seelisberg. I can't get beyond the first line... Anyways there's plenty of time to learn that.. On the gravel uphill path leading upto Kobi's farm, we're stopped by an Old Gentleman completely out of breath. He's on his way to the historic Rütli Meadow (considered birthplace of Switzerland) for Swiss National Day Celebrations. We move the cakes from the backseat and ask him to hop-in. He starts to talk in Swiss-German and i try to focus on catching familiar words.. After a few minutes of uphill driving, Lukas has to get out to remove a road block. (Kobi is most likely herding his cows to the shed!) The gentleman in the rear continues to talk in Swiss-German and i have to finally tell him in broken German "Ich spreche nur Englisch" (I speak only English). Amazingly, he replies "Where are you from?" Wow.. i detect a strong British Accent. "India" i respond. And he asks "Where from in India" .. Wow.. this is quite a coincidence.. Not only does he speak English, he seems to be familiar with India as well. He goes on to tell me that he's been to India thrice: to the Golden Triangle in the North, To Mumbai and to South India. He seems to be a big fan of Indian food and culture.

We soon arrive at Kobi's farm. His three sons open the door. Their smiles widen into ear-to-ear grin on seeing the Urner Pastete. Parents aren't around, so they probably will get to polish off the cake tongue-out

A few minutes drive brings us to Jürgen & Nicole's beautiful home. Jügen, Nicole, Carmen (Her sister) and Jelmar are sitting outside enjoying coffee. We wish our hitchhiker friend än Schönä Tag (A nice day!) and join the coffee table. We have espressos, Coffee Schnapps, Urner Pastete and cookies and chit-chat. Mostly me recounting funny anecdotes about my Gown.. (Carmen has seen some of our wedding pictures taken by Jürgen, which we haven't seen yet.  She wants to know where i got the gown)

It starts to rain, so we continue our conversations and snacking at the Kitchen table. Nicole has ensured that i have vegetarian snacks (Danke schön Nicole, so very thoughtful!) to munch on. Kobi, his wife Daniela & their youngest son stop by. Good.. the more the merrier. We continue with the snacks, talks and laughter... 

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0206.JPG Soon it's time for Dinner and i realize that I've a full stomach already from the snacks!!! Nicole has a delicious spread on the traditionally decorated dining table. Jürgen and Nicole have made plenty of vegetarian dishes for me. I'm delighted and can't wait to dig-in.. wasn't I already full a moment ago??? Wine, food and conversation flows seamlessly through the evening.

I learn that Jelmar has also moved from Netherlands (now why would one move from brownie country Netherland to Swiss??) and wrote an online blog during his transition days..

Jürgen brings out one Schnapps after another for us to try. They obviously have a large collection! My favorite is the Honey-Anise. It's 9:20PM and we have to start walking to Kobi's farm to catch the Brunnen fireworks display over lake Lucerne. It's a cold & rainy night. We're both in our flip-flops, but luckily we have our rain jackets. We walk the uphill gravel path to Kobi's farm. On the way, Jürgen points out the large steam paddle boat cruises lining up around the firework barge. 


Daniela is dressed in traditional Urner Sunday outfit. She tells me that it takes her about 2 hours to get dressed in these clothes and about two and a half if Kobi helps tongue-out 



b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_Fireworks.jpgThe conversations stop as soon as the fireworks start. It's a mesmerizing display.. much better than what I've seen in the US. I enjoy the fireworks as never before and then it hits me.. "This is now my country".. I make a little bow to Switzerland and what the Swiss National Day means to its citizens. I also take a moment to THANK the Universe for providing me with these unique memorable experiences. 


We walk back to Jürgen & Nicole's home, bid goodbyes to all of them and start driving back down the hill to Beckenried and our new home.

Danke Schön Jürgen and Nicole for giving me a glimpse into the culture and traditions of Switzerland!!